Thursday, October 24, 2013

Everybody's Going Through Something - When Lyrics Speak

I work for a hospital, and as silly as this sounds some days it's easy to forget that. Other days it hits me square in the face. I work in an area that generally doesn't have much patient interaction. However, people in the buildings around me every day are hurting, fighting for their lives or even losing that battle. Yesterday was one of those days where it really hit me after hearing a young girl's story. Then, I was grocery shopping after work and had a woman who was stranded ask me if I could help her out with any money.

It's so easy to forget that everyone around us regardless of where we work or live is going through something. We can become so complacent or caught in our own little worlds that we forget to look at those around us. The song that kept coming to mind yesterday was "Everybody's Going Through Something" by Karen Peck and New River.

This song was written by Karen Peck Gooch, Kenna West and Don Poythress and is on New River's latest release Revival. The song starts out talking about a woman barely making ends meet, then a man who has been broken. The chorus of the song says that everyone is going through something and everyone faces storms, but I would sure rather go through something with Him.

How many times do I hear stories like what I heard yesterday and not think about whether or not they have God to help them through it? I'm so thankful that when the "storms come and waters rise" in my own life, that I have Him to lean on. The song talks about not having to walk along and when life seems uncertain, God will see us through.

It's so easy to get caught up with ourselves and concentrate on the trials or even what we consider trials in our own lives and forget that we have a hurting world of people around us. And those people might not know the God that we know. How much better would we treat people or interact with people if we thought of them in this way? And to remember that in all of their hurting, they might have the same hope we have in Christ? My prayer is that I think of people more in this light and not be as quick to judge. I know if "everybody's going through something, I'd rather go through something with Him."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for emphasizing this. I was just listening to the All Southern Gospel station on the net when that particular song was played and I felt that that was a fact spoken so clearly from the lyrics of that song.


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