Sonya was 5 1/2 months pregnant. Their little girl already had a name, but she began having some issues. When she went to the doctor, there was no heartbeat. Sonya had to deliver the baby because of danger to her health but instead of having a new baby full of life to take home, her baby had already gone home to Heaven.
Thankfully, Sonya and Jimmy delivered a healthy baby boy just a few weeks ago, but here are a few nuggets of what she shared that night -
"It was one of those moments where I understood finally the peace that passes all understanding. That's what we had. And we knew that peace because we trust God and because we don't have any question about how He loves us....
"I can't help but think about how much I love the Lord tonight. And the reason why tonight I love Him more now than I did a year ago is that He's brought me through more. He was faithful to me when I needed Him the most.
"When tragedy comes and trials of life come as they will, we have two choices. We can run to God and say, 'Hold me Father.' Or the other choice is to run away from God, be angry at Him, and somehow act like it was His fault. If you want the peace that will get you through the trials of life, run to God."
It was such a powerful testimony of honesty and vulnerability. It was a reminder of how the trials of life can bring you closer to God and that should be their purpose. If you'll let Him, God will use those times in your life to make your walk with Him closer than it's ever been before.
Thank you for this post! The testimony's you give are so inspiring!I always look for your posts! Thanks for being you!!!