Wednesday, February 27, 2013

He Sees What We Don't - When Lyrics Speak

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:9

"God works in mysterious ways." I've heard this phrase all my life, sometimes referring to good things and sometimes bad. There are so many times when I don't understand the way God works. I don't understand when He chooses to bless me far beyond what I deserve. On the other hand, I also don't understand some of struggles that I've gone through. Thankfully He knows best in all situations. In those times of trials and struggles, it's a comfort to know that His ways are always higher, because he sees and knows all.

I saw 11th Hour for the first time in January, and one song that really ministered to me that "He Sees What We Don't." The song was written by Amber Eppinette (11th Hour) and Joseph Habedank (The Perrys). I fell in love with this song and its message. We can rest assured that when we go through situations we don't understand that He sees what we don't.

We might only see the valley that we are in, but be encouraged because He sees the mountain we'll be standing on. I love that line. So many times we can only see the hurt and what's staring us in the face right then, we don't think about once we make it through the trial. We don't think about how God can use this for His glory. We don't think about how God has the power to turn an impossible situation into an overwhelming victory. Whether we are in a trial, making a tough decision or simply waiting on God's timing, He sees the much bigger picture.

It's not only our own personal struggles, but so many times we see others and don't understand why certain things have happened in their lives. The second verse talks about watching others' faith put to the test and not  understanding why. Sometimes it's harder watching your loved ones going through something. But thankfully, we're reminded in the song that "He knows what's best."

It's a comfort to know that even when we don't get it, we have a God who completely understands. He sees the end from the beginning. He gives peace that passes all understanding. "And I'm so glad He sees what we don't."


  1. I agree with this... I saw them last night for the first time and this song literally stopped me in my tracks. What a gorgeous message.

  2. This song is absolutely amazing. It's been a great encouragement to me for several months now.


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