Thursday, May 31, 2012

When Lyrics Speak - My Faintest Cry

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." - Romans 8:26

Sometimes life can throw us situations that shake our world. You find yourself in circumstances that seem unreal, and find yourself thinking that this isn't supposed to be happening.

Recently, I watched friends say goodbye to their infant son who died unexpectedly. You can't help but question and wonder why God decided that this precious little baby would live only a few months. I sat in the service with tears streaming down my face, hurting for a couple who would never be able to see their son take his first steps or say his first words much less graduate high school or get married.

The same day of the service exactly four years before I lost a close friend at a young age. And again, it was easy to question and wonder why God chose to take her when she had her entire life ahead of her.

In both circumstances, you don't know what to say or how to pray, but thankfully we serve a God who can help us when we we can't find the right words to say.

Four years ago after I learned of my friend's death, the song "My Faintest Cry" by TK and McRae was one that helped me through it. And I was reminded of the song again sitting at the funeral for this tiny baby several days ago.

This song was one of the strongest songs on the group's only project "When He Said Live." For those who may not be familiar, TK and McRae was composed of Annie McRae, Troy and Katy Peach and Amanda Till (Smith). This song was written by Annie McRae. Even though the group is no longer together, the song and its lyrics still have an impact and still bring reassurance and comfort.

"Silent tears, day and night
Truth too real for me to fight
Pain too strong for me to think
Afraid to move, afraid to feel
And speechless I fell down on my knees,
And by grace you heard everything I couldn't speak

When I couldn't shout out loud
And words were hard to find
You heard my faintest cry
You heard my faintest cry
When the grief was just too deep
And my prayers were all inside
You heard my faintest cry."

Thankfully when the right words are hiding from us, the Holy Spirit can intercede on our behalf. When circumstances shock us, and we don't know how to pray, we have the promise that He is there and knows what our faintest cries are.

Sometimes we can be swallowed by the grief and hurt so that we don't know what to pray, and we're not sure what to say. Sometimes all we can muster out is a simple, faint cry to God.

I love the bridge of the song that says before we ever called out or said a word to God that He heard us and answered our prayers. Even in the most difficult of circumstances, whether we can manage a faint cry or nothing at all, we have the promise that He hears us knows just all we are feeling.

Listen to the song below:

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