Saturday, June 4, 2016

1,000th Post

I'm interrupting my normal Saturday post because this is officially my 1,000th post! 

When I started this journey more than four years ago, I honestly wasn't sure what would come of it or how long I would continue it. I had no idea how much this would impact my life. It's been a way to not only write about the best music on earth, but also share some of my life with you. Thank you for reading and taking the journey with me. Over the past four years, I've been so blessed by this music, the ministries and the worship I have experienced. I've made some incredible friends through this blog. Again, thank you for sticking with me!

So today, I'm sharing some of blog posts that mean the most to me or have stood out to me the most over this time, in chronological order - 

Now just for fun,  here are the top 10 most read posts on the blog. 

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