Monday, February 17, 2014

Women's Conference with Lauren Talley Alvey

Saturday I had the chance to attend a women's conference I had been looking forward to for some time. Last summer when I saw the Talleys, Lauren mentioned that they were trying to schedule her for a women's conference next year in Fordyce. The event was scheduled for Feb. 15, and it was marked on my calendar.

I really had not planned on blogging about it, just wanting to enjoy the day, the music and the seminars. But it was so good, I feel like it would be an injustice not to mention it. A couple of local groups (New Reason and the Peters Family) from the church and Fordyce sang as well as Lauren. All the music was great. It was good to hear Lauren sing songs you don't normally hear during a Talleys concert.

She led two different seminars, and both were equally great, encouraging and challenging. In the afternoon, she shared more of her personal testimony. She shared from her book Songs in the Night, which if you don't have I highly recommend. I have the tendency when something is not right to put on the brave front that everything is ok, so others don't see the struggles. So I really admire when someone can go on stage tell you where they've been and how God delivered them and use the testimony to help others. Lauren was just so real and opened up about her journey.

Saturday was great, and if you or your church is considering hosting a women's event, you should definitely consider having Lauren. You won't be disappointed.

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