Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top Moment of 2013

It's the last day of the year, and it's time to crown the top moment of 2013. On March 19, many of the artists and fans gathered together in Nashville in honor of Tracy Stuffle and the Perrys. After Tracy's stroke and medical issues early in the year, a benefit concert was held at Christ Church in Nashville to help their family not only financially but also through encouragement.

The entire night was available to watch via webcast, and the entire night was amazing, but one moment stood out above the rest. During the concert, Pastor Phil Hoskins asked the artists to gather around all the artists gathered around Libbi praying with their hands outstretched and the entire audience from their seats prayed with arms out as well. And as they finished, you could hear a voice from in the midst start singing. The voice was singing "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus," and then I realized it was Libbi. I have no idea if it was planned or not, regardless it doesn't take away from what an incredible moment it was.

In one of her and her family's darkest hours as believers gathered around her, Libbi poured her heart out in song with the words "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His word, Just to rest upon His promise, Just to know 'Thus saith the Lord." The words were heartfelt and filled with raw emotion. It was a moment that will always stand out in my mind. It's a great picture of faith and how in the midst of uncertainty the greatest praise can be offered but saying how sweet it is to trust in Jesus.

It was by far the top moment of 2013, and one that I will forever remember.

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