Thursday, December 31, 2015

#1 Top Moment of 2015 - Crabb Family Reunion Concert

Some concerts will be forever ingrained in your memory. Some you just walk away knowing that it was one of the most uplifting nights of worship you've ever experienced. Sometimes they might be at just the right time in your life. Sometimes it might have had more to do with the music and what was said from stage. Or it could be a perfect storm of everything.

Early on this year, I knew other concerts had a lot to live up to to top this one. I have to say of all concerts I've been to this one is easily in my top five favorites ever - the Crabb Family Reunion Concert.

Since I never got to see the family when they were all touring together, I had been looking forward to this opportunity for a while! And it did not disappoint!!! It was full of Crabb Family hits, some new songs and an amazing tribute to Andrae Crouch. You can read the full recap here. It was one of those nights where you just didn't want it to end.

I loved the spirit of worship that was in the church that night. If you get the chance to attend one of their reunion concerts in 2016, I strongly recommend it!

Here's a clip from one of the concerts last year for you to enjoy -

Top 12 CDs of 2015

I have struggled with this post. It's been really hard for me to pick out the top CDs of the year. I've gone back and forth and reordered several times. I've ended up with a top 12, because I've been so indecisive.

And a small disclaimer - this list is only from projects I have reviewed this year. Unfortunately, there are a few releases that I won't have reviews on until next month.

So with all that being said, it was the year for great mixed group releases. They dominate this list, taking the top several spots.

12 - Walk of Faith - The Whisnants
Favorite songs - "Worry Ends Where Faith Begins" and "Go Out Singing"

11 - Happy People - Ernie Haase and Signature Sound
Favorite songs - "Happy People" and "Jesus Changes Everything"

10 - Ready to Sail - The Erwins
Favorite songs - "Greater" and "I Choose to Be a Christian"

9 - A New Chapter - Jim Brady Trio
Favorite songs - "Steppin' Out in Faith" and "Greatest of All Miracles"

8 - Stay - The Old Paths
Favorite songs - "How Great the Debt" and "Ordinary People"

7 - As We Speak - Greater Vision
Favorite songs - "As We Speak" and "Put Out the Fire"

6 - Just Sing - Amber Nelon Thompson
Favorite songs - "God Is Always Good" and "Another Time, Another Place"

5 - Living in Harmony - Triumphant Quartet
Favorite songs - "Living in Harmony," "Amazing God" and "Jesus Must Have Been Here"

4 - After All This Time - The Talleys
Favorite songs - "People in the Line," "Jesus' Blood Is Enough" and "After All This Time"

3 - Small Town - Jeff and Sheri Easter
Favorite songs - "Jesus Loves You," "Small Town Someone" and "Someone's Listening"

2 - Moments Like These - Bowling Family
Favorite songs - "I Was There," "Even When You're Asking Why" and "One Glorious Moment of Faith"

1 - Pray Now - Karen Peck and New River
Favorite songs - "Pray Now," "Hallelujah for the Cross" and "I Choose Christ"

So what do you think? What are your top albums for 2015?

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

#2 Top Moment of 2015 - Cathedral Family Reunion

I'm winding down the countdown with #2 today. This list would not be complete without the Cathedrals Family Reunion event I got to attend in October.

It's hard to pinpoint a "moment" from the weekend.  You can read the full recap here. My favorite session was definitely Saturday morning. The five guys - Gerald Wolfe, Mark Trammell, Ernie Haase, Danny Funderburk and Scott Fowler - told stories from their days with the Cathedrals. They gathered around the piano with Pat Barker on bass and sang many favorites and even a few requests, including "The Laughing Song," which was definitely a moment! :) I'm sure every Saturday morning session is different!

However, the moment of the weekend had to be the guys from all the groups there singing "We Shall See Jesus." Absolutely incredible!

If you get a chance to attend one of these Cathedral Family Reunion events, don't miss it!

Here's a clip from the weekend -

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top Moment #3 of 2015 - The Old Paths Final Concert

In May, the Old Paths announced that the group would be coming off the road at the end of the year. Their last concert was December 6 in Ramer, Tennessee. And I'm glad to say I got to be there for the last one. I hate to say it was a "top moment" since they are leaving the road, but it was one of the most memorable concerts of the year and one of the most significant since it was their last one.

It was great to see these guys go out while they were still at the top of their game. They decided that their ministry needed to focus to their families which is completely understandable. The guys gave it all they had. Seriously, I've never heard them sound better.

The crowd in Ramer had friends from many different states who traveled to see the quartet for the last time. They all wanted to come honor the guys for their last night singing together.

The concert was full of your favorite Old Paths songs from their very first song they recorded to their latest single and everything in between. The night paid tribute to the group's career and the mark they have made on gospel music. It was a great concert and one that reminded you of why this quartet is so great! Definitely hoping that they make a few appearances every now and then!

Here are several videos of the last concert on the group's Facebook page -

Monday, December 28, 2015

Top Moment #4 of 2015 - Sonya Isaacs Yeary's testimony

In February I attended an Isaacs concert at the University of Central Arkansas. While I love their music, this concert made this list not because of what was sung, but what was said.

The concert came just a few months after Sonya and Jimmy Yeary lost their baby. Sonya gave a powerful testimony that night about the loss they experienced and how God gave them strength through it.

Sonya was 5 1/2 months pregnant. Their little girl already had a name, but she began having some issues. When she went to the doctor, there was no heartbeat. Sonya had to deliver the baby because of danger to her health but instead of having a new baby full of life to take home, her baby had already gone home to Heaven.

Thankfully, Sonya and Jimmy delivered a healthy baby boy just a few weeks ago, but here are a few nuggets of what she shared that night -

"It was one of those moments where I understood finally the peace that passes all understanding. That's what we had. And we knew that peace because we trust God and because we don't have any question about how He loves us....

"I can't help but think about how much I love the Lord tonight. And the reason why tonight I love Him more now than I did a year ago is that He's brought me through more. He was faithful to me when I needed Him the most.

"When tragedy comes and trials of life come as they will, we have two choices. We can run to God and say, 'Hold me Father.' Or the other choice is to run away from God, be angry at Him, and somehow act like it was His fault. If you want the peace that will get you through the trials of life, run to God."

It was such a powerful testimony of honesty and vulnerability. It was a reminder of how the trials of life can bring you closer to God and that should be their purpose. If you'll let Him, God will use those times in your life to make your walk with Him closer than it's ever been before.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Top Moment #5 of 2015 - Memphis Quartet Show

This summer, I got the chance to attend a few big events. One of them was the Memphis Quartet Show which definitely made the list of my top moments of the year. Even though I only got to be there for one day of the event, it was well worth the trip to Memphis!

I was there for the afternoon matinee to see the 2nd Half Quartet. They had the entire set with just piano and bass singing many classic songs and paying tribute to the Cathedrals.

 Read the full recap of the afternoon here.
That night was full of music by many top groups including 
  • Tribute Quartet
  • Dixie Echoes
  • The Old Paths
  • Archie Watkins and Smoky Mountain Reunion
  • Primitive Quartet
  • Mark Trammell Quartet
Read all about that night here.

It's hard to pick just one standout moment from the day, so here are a few -

  • "Remind Me of Calvary" - I love hearing Mark Trammell sing this song!
  • "I Want to Know" - In the classiest way, Randy Byrd introduced Pat Barker to join the Mark Tramell Quartet for this song on stage. He let Pat sing one of his signature songs, and it was great hearing Pat on this song again!
  • "I Will Rise" - Tribute Quartet featuring Riley Harrison Clark
  • "I Bowed on my Knees and Cried Holy" - The Old Paths featuring Tim Rackley

Thursday, December 24, 2015

When Lyrics Speak - If You Could See What I See

As many of you may know I lost my grandfather this year. I knew this Christmas would be different, that it would be hard. I love Christmas, but part of me was dreading it. I wish so badly I could go back to last Christmas and appreciate the time I had with him more. I wish I hadn't been so wrapped up in what was going on in my world and just enjoyed the time spent with him.

Some of the Santas on display
We always spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning breakfast with my dad's parents. And every year we knew at least one thing to expect under the tree. My grandfather was an amazing woodcarver. And being the first grandchild and only girl, I was spoiled just a little. For my first Christmas, he carved a Santa Claus. I'm sure he had no idea what he started when he did that. Each year after, he carved a different type of Santa. Many people locally knew of his carvings and started requesting the Santas each year for Christmas. We have all different types from St. Nicholas to the Old World Russian Santa to a Storybook Santa. He would carve them, and my grandmother painted them. As I got older, I got to help pick out which one he was going to carve that year and even write a story that went with the Santa that year. Last year, he was so weak and had just gotten out of the hospital, but he still managed to make my brother and me a Santa each.

Tonight when we open presents, there'll be one special gift missing -- one special person missing. As much as we miss him, I know he's much better off. I know that he's going to have the best Christmas he's ever had. If we could see what he's seeing now, we wouldn't wish him back for anything.

I can't think of a better song to sum up the first Christmas without a loved one than "If You Could See What I See." While the presents of this earth seem so special -- and they are -- it's nothing compared to the glory of Heaven.

As much as I love Christmas, I know that it's tough for a lot of us this year, whether you've lost a grandparent, parent, sibling or spouse. I'm thankful for the hope we have in Christ that one day we'll be reunited and share in what He sees now.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Top Moment #6 of 2015 - Gold City Reunion

Most people have their favorite lineup of classic groups. Sometimes it's not even that they had a chance to see the lineup in person only through video. I've always been a fan of the Jay Parrack, Jonathan Wilburn, Mark Trammell and Tim Riley version of Gold City. I never got a chance to see this lineup in person until September at the Southern Gospel Picnic at Silver Dollar City!

It was a great night hearing some classic Gold City songs. I loved watching the interactions between the guys like there had been no time lost. It was great finally seeing them sing together making it one of the top moments of the year!

Here are a few clips from that night!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

#7 Top Moment of 2015 - Gospel Music Hymn Sing

So many of these top moments so far are from recent events. This one is no exception!

In late November, I got the chance to attend Gerald Wolfe's Gospel Music Hymn Sing in Memphis, Tennessee. I grew up on the hymns, singing them every week in church. We don't sing them as often in my home church now. So it's a treat for me to sing those familiar hymns, and when you get to hear your favorite gospel music singers sing them, it's even better!

I shared a full recap of the evening a few weeks ago. You can read it here.

For this post, I'll share with you two of my favorite songs/ highlights of the evening. Enjoy!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Top Moment #8 of 2015 - Gaither Homecoming Christmas

As I mentioned I love all things Christmas, so here's my second Christmas-related top moment of 2015. Last weekend, I had the chance to see the Gaither Homecoming Christmas tour in Little Rock. The night was just incredible.

This night on the tour featured Kevin Williams, Charlotte Ritchie (who also filled in with the Isaacs since Sonya just had a baby), Gene McDonald, the Nelons, Angie Primm, the Isaacs and the Vocal Band. I always enjoy seeing these large tour events with several groups. And the quality of the production that the Homecoming Tour puts on is just top notch. Bill Gaither knows how to read the audience well and move the night along seamlessly.

This was my first chance to see this lineup of the Gaither Vocal Band with Wes Hampton, David Phelps, Adam Crabb, Todd Suttles and Bill Gaither. I like how they sound together and their interactions on stage. They seem to really have a great time together! It was good to hear them individually featured along with the group. We really got to hear from each of the guys and what great vocalists they are!

Highlights from the night included -

  • I loved getting to hear more from Charlotte Ritchie. She sounded amazing with Isaacs, pulling double duty that night!
  • This was also my first chance to see Angie Primm live, wow, what a voice and what energy she has on stage!!
  • Kevin Williams is just funny and super talented. He did a great job warming up the crowd and his interactions with Bill are hilarious!
  • David Phelps - I think that's really all I have to say. I forget how great of a singer he is! 
  • The Nelons never fail to impress me with their vocals. It's great to see Autumn have more of a presence on stage with them.
  • The younger generations are all having a greater role. Levi Bowman joined his family on stage during the second half and was featured, singing with his mother and Autumn.
  • I liked how the second half was more of a sing-along. The groups and various members were showcased but the audience got to join in some!
Here's a clip that the Nelons had on their Facebook page from one of their stops on the tour -

Saturday, December 19, 2015

In Case You Missed It - News and Tidbits - December 19

Here are some news items from this week in Southern Gospel -
  • Pray for Jason Clark and his family. His grandmother passed away last week. 
  • Congratulations to Ronnie and Kim Booth on their new grandson Jaxon Duncan born last week.
  • Congratulations to Jeff Hawes (formerly of Karen Peck and New River) who was married last week to Shainah Peek.
  • Congratulations to Dustin Black (formerly of the Mark Trammell Quartet) who got married last week to Rachael Dickinson.
  • Prayers requested for Burman Porter's daughter Jessica. She was in a serious car wreck and was airlifted to UT hospital.
Anything I've missed?

Friday, December 18, 2015

Fun Clip Friday - Christmas Jubilee

Happy Friday to everyone! Matthew Fouch does some of the best interviews with Southern Gospel artists. For today's Fun Clip Friday, here's a Jubilee Christmas interview he did while the guys were on tour. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

#9 Top Moment of the Year - Whisnants and Mark Trammell QuartetChristmas Concert

I love all things Christmas. So this is the first of two Christmas-related moments to make the list.

Last year, the Mark Trammell Quartet and the Whisnants joined forces for a Christmas tour. One of their stops was in Vilonia, Arkansas. Unfortunately, I had to be in Memphis for work and missed it! This year, however, I got to be there for their "Home for Christmas" tour, and it was definitely one of the best concerts I attended this year! For the #9 moment of the year, here's a little bit about the Home for Christmas concert.

They sang many Christmas favorites and several songs from their joint Christmas album last year like "Unspeakable Joy," "Without Christ There's No Christmas" and "Jesus Brought Joy to the World." Each group had a set in the first half with a few songs together. And then the second half was them together.

Of course, when these two groups get together you never know what exactly will happen. The fruitcakes were flowing freely that night. Apparently the Whisnants along with the pastor of the church, Wade Lentz, let it slip that the Mark Trammell Quartet loves fruitcake. So the quartet had dozens of fruitcakes delivered to their table that night including 36 on stage. Haha! Needless to say I don't think the guys will be wanting fruitcakes anytime soon, not that they really wanted any to begin with! :)

Here are some of my favorite parts of the night -

  • "If You Could See What I See" - I LOVE this song. Christmas is going to be bittersweet this year without my grandfather, but this song is such a beautiful picture of what it's like for our loved ones in Heaven. Love hearing Susan sing this song!
  • "Oh Holy Night" - Mark does an incredible job on this song!
  • "Beautiful Star of Bethlehem" 
  • "I Call Him Lord" 
  • "Worry Ends Where Faith Begins" - This was my first time to hear Susan sing this song live, my favorite from their new project!
  • "The King Is Coming" - Amazing way to end the night!

It was a great night honoring the birth of our Savior with great singing, some laughs and lots of fruitcake!

Monday, December 14, 2015

#10 Top Moment of 2015 - Perrys' Reunion at National Quartet Convention

It's time to start the annual countdown of top moments of the year. I had a feeling some recent concerts I attended would make the list (I was right.), so I'm a little later starting it this year.

I've gotten the chance to attend some great events and concerts this year. Normally the list has a mix of moments I've caught online via webcast or in person. This year, the top 10 moment is the only one that came via webcast. And it's from the National Quartet Convention.

It's always fun to see what can happen at the National Quartet Convention when so many artists appear on stage in one night. So many different people are there, so various musicians will join artists on stage or singers from different groups can join together on stage. In some cases, it can be former members. This was the case on Thursday night of this year. When the Perrys started singing "I Wish I Could Have Been There," Troy Peach asked the audience to make welcome Loren Harris who started singing. Then he announced Joseph Habedank who finished the first verse. Before the end of the segment, former members Debra Perry Reed, Bryan Walker, Mike Bowling, Nick Trammell and Bryan Elliot were all on stage with them! It was such a fun and unexpected moment!

Here's a video from the Perrys' entire set that night. The reunion segment starts at about 4:53.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

In Case You Missed It - News and Tidbits - December 12

It's been slow news lately, but I'm back at trying to do this each Saturday. Here are some news items from this week in gospel music -

  • Congratulations to Sonya and Jimmy Yeary and big brother Ayden on the new addition to their family. Gatlyn Solomon Yeary was born on December 8 weighing 8 lbs. and 10 oz.
  • Labreeska Hemphill, matriarch of the Hemphill family, passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 9. She was 75 years old. Her service in Nashville will be at Christ Church at 2 p.m. on Saturday. It will be livestreamed for those wanting to watch online, you can go to
  • Congratulations to Karen Peck and New River and Jason Crabb who received Grammy nominations this week!
Anything I've missed?

Friday, December 11, 2015

Fun Clip Friday - The Old Paths

Last Sunday night was the final concert for The Old Paths Quartet. The group has decided to come off the road and stop touring full-time. The group members have a desire to be at home more for their families, which you definitely have to admire.

I got the chance to be there for their final concert, and let me say I've never heard the guys sound better! They gave it all they had for the last concert. Here are a few videos they shared on their Facebook page for today's Fun Clip Friday!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Talleys - After All This Time - CD Review

The Talleys' latest recording After All This Time releases tomorrow. I have to say this is the best
Talleys' album to date. It's without a doubt a must buy this year. I'm sure it will be in my list of top albums this year.

The project starts with the title track. This song has a fun country feel that simply talks about the faithfulness of God. Love this song to get the project started!

"The People in the Line" was a song I heard live via webcast during NQC. Lauren talked about how convicting the lyrics are, and the more I listened to the song, the more I found out she's exactly right. We never know what people are us are going through from the people in the line to the people on the road to people on the stage. We forget how other people maybe hurting. We can be quick to judge when they aren't doing as we think they should. This song featuring Lauren is sure to do well for the group!

"Jesus' Blood Is Enough" is a song you need to hit repeat on over and over again. The soothing song is a beautiful reminder that He is enough to make us new, to cover our sins, to bring us hope or to help us through whatever we may be going through. Lauren does such an incredible job on this song. This is my favorite Lauren feature of the project. Although "There Is Coming a Day" is a close second. The song is a great picture of the promise of Heaven.

Debra has such a tender performance on "I Need You More." The arrangement is simple to really allow her beautiful alto voice to soar through. It's to the tune of Elvis Presley's "Love Me Tender." Debra's favorite performance of mine though is "This Thing Called Grace." It's such an amazing song written by Dianne Wilkinson and Rebecca Peck. Debra turns in an incredible performance on this track.

I wasn't familiar with "Naaman" before this project. But it quickly became one I found myself hitting repeat on and then I discovered the song was actually a remake. The Talleys also recorded the song in the 1980s when Kirk was with the group. I like when groups can pull up an old song, give it a new feel and newer fans (like myself) a chance to hear it for the first time! This version is a must listen!

"My Hope Is in the Lord" is not the same song the group recorded just a few albums prior. I wonder how many groups have recorded a song by the same name! This upbeat very Southern-style song is a great song that really features all three members.

Roger is featured on "Somebody's Story." This song has a similar message to "The People in the Line." The song has such a different feel though and the message definitely bears repeating!

Lauren shows off her soulful side with "Who But God." This is another song that was a hit in the 1980s written by Ronnie Hinson and Mike Payne.

This time of year I really like to just listen to Christmas. But it's been hard not to keep listening to this CD once I got it! Every cut on the project is worth listening to. This project shows the Talleys' strengths and how consistent they are at producing great projects. I really think this is my favorite CD of theirs. From orchestration to song choice to vocals, it's hands down a 5-star recording!

If you're looking for a great Christmas present for the gospel music fan in your life, pick this CD up, but be sure to also get one for yourself!

Song List -
1. "After All This Time"
2. "There Is Coming a Day"
3. "There's Never Been a Mountain"
4. "This Thing Called Grace"
5. "Naaman"
6. "Jesus' Blood Is Enough"
7. "My Hope Is in the Lord"
8. "But I Need You More"
9. "The People in the Line"
10. "Somebody's Story"
11. "Who But God"
12. "I Love to Tell the Story/ Blessed Assurance"

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Gospel Music Hymn Sing Recap

It's been a busy past few weeks, and I've missed being able to update as regularly. I have a few concert recaps still pending, but some will have to be saved for my top 10 moments of the year. I can't believe it's already that time!
Wendy Hayes, Melissa Brady and TaRanda Greene

On November 21, I got the chance to go to Memphis, Tennessee for Gerald Wolfe's Gospel Music Hymn Sing. I had been looking forward to this for quite some time! My church sings a great mix of hymns and praise songs each Sunday. However, after growing up on strictly hymns I definitely miss not singing more of them. It was a great night to get to see some of my favorite artists and sing along with them!Even though the night was about hymn singing and the audience being as much a part of the concert as the artists, I got to hear a lot of artists/ groups for the first time! It was my first chance to see the Mylon Hayes Family live. I was glad to see this family part of this tour event, and they are such a wonderful family and great singers. It was also a chance to hear the new trio of TaRanda Greene, Doug Anderson and Jody McBrayer live. They did not disappoint either!! Even though I had heard Jim and Melissa Brady together before, this was also my first time to hear the Jim Brady Trio.
Gerald Wolfe, Randy Byrd, Pat Barker and Conner Hayes

Here were the highlights of the night!

Mark Trammell - Blake Buffin, Nick Trammell,
Mark Trammell and Randy Byrd
  • "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" - This is my favorite hymn, so no big surprise that it made my list. Wendy Hayes, Jim Brady and Blake Buffin were featured on the verses. 
  • "Just a Little Talk with Jesus" - This one featured all the bass singers - Randy Byrd, Pat Barker and Conner Hayes, who definitely held his own with the two more experienced singers!
  • "Holy, Holy, Holy" - This was a sweet moment of worship as the congregation sang.
  • "Love of God" - Loved this song! Gerald had each of the writers in the group take a verse - Jim Brady, Rodney Griffin and Chris Allman (video featured below)
  • "Wonderful Grace of Jesus" - The 2nd Half Quartet sang this song in the style of the Cathedrals
  • "Rock of Ages" - The Mylon Hayes Family sang this one and did the shape notes!
  • "Near the Cross" - This song was toward the end featuring Melissa Brady and Gerald Wolfe.
If you get a chance to go to one of the Hymn Sings I highly recommend it! I know they'll be doing more touring in the spring. It's a chance to not only hear some of the top voices in the industry, but you get to sing along with them! Hymns are becoming less the norm in worship services, so it was special to have an entire night dedicated to celebrating that heritage and worshipping our Savior!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Fun Clip Friday - Jubilee Christmas

I got the chance to go to one the Jubilee Christmas concerts last year. It was definitely a highlight of Christmas season for me! Booth Brothers, Greater Vision and Legacy Five come together for these Jubilee concerts. And with these three groups, you never really know what to expect. Well, what happened in Atlanta at their taping a few weeks ago was definitely unexpected. Check out this clip for today's Fun Clip Friday!