"Thanks to everyone who has called and sent in demos for the pianist job. After many demos and auditions, we are pleased to announce the newest member of the Diplomats Quartet, Jeremy Elliot. He has attended Jacksonville University, the Alabama School of Gospel Music and the Steve Hurst School of Music. After obtaining his B.A. in music, he and his wife Kimberly now live in Braselton, GA."
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Jeremy Elliot Joins Diplomats
The Diplomats announced that they have found a new piano player, Jeremy Elliot. Michael Lott left the group recently and joined the LeFevre Quartet. Here's the release from the Diplomats:
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
He Sees What We Don't - When Lyrics Speak
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:9
"God works in mysterious ways." I've heard this phrase all my life, sometimes referring to good things and sometimes bad. There are so many times when I don't understand the way God works. I don't understand when He chooses to bless me far beyond what I deserve. On the other hand, I also don't understand some of struggles that I've gone through. Thankfully He knows best in all situations. In those times of trials and struggles, it's a comfort to know that His ways are always higher, because he sees and knows all.
I saw 11th Hour for the first time in January, and one song that really ministered to me that "He Sees What We Don't." The song was written by Amber Eppinette (11th Hour) and Joseph Habedank (The Perrys). I fell in love with this song and its message. We can rest assured that when we go through situations we don't understand that He sees what we don't.
We might only see the valley that we are in, but be encouraged because He sees the mountain we'll be standing on. I love that line. So many times we can only see the hurt and what's staring us in the face right then, we don't think about once we make it through the trial. We don't think about how God can use this for His glory. We don't think about how God has the power to turn an impossible situation into an overwhelming victory. Whether we are in a trial, making a tough decision or simply waiting on God's timing, He sees the much bigger picture.
It's not only our own personal struggles, but so many times we see others and don't understand why certain things have happened in their lives. The second verse talks about watching others' faith put to the test and not understanding why. Sometimes it's harder watching your loved ones going through something. But thankfully, we're reminded in the song that "He knows what's best."
It's a comfort to know that even when we don't get it, we have a God who completely understands. He sees the end from the beginning. He gives peace that passes all understanding. "And I'm so glad He sees what we don't."
"God works in mysterious ways." I've heard this phrase all my life, sometimes referring to good things and sometimes bad. There are so many times when I don't understand the way God works. I don't understand when He chooses to bless me far beyond what I deserve. On the other hand, I also don't understand some of struggles that I've gone through. Thankfully He knows best in all situations. In those times of trials and struggles, it's a comfort to know that His ways are always higher, because he sees and knows all.
I saw 11th Hour for the first time in January, and one song that really ministered to me that "He Sees What We Don't." The song was written by Amber Eppinette (11th Hour) and Joseph Habedank (The Perrys). I fell in love with this song and its message. We can rest assured that when we go through situations we don't understand that He sees what we don't.
We might only see the valley that we are in, but be encouraged because He sees the mountain we'll be standing on. I love that line. So many times we can only see the hurt and what's staring us in the face right then, we don't think about once we make it through the trial. We don't think about how God can use this for His glory. We don't think about how God has the power to turn an impossible situation into an overwhelming victory. Whether we are in a trial, making a tough decision or simply waiting on God's timing, He sees the much bigger picture.
It's not only our own personal struggles, but so many times we see others and don't understand why certain things have happened in their lives. The second verse talks about watching others' faith put to the test and not understanding why. Sometimes it's harder watching your loved ones going through something. But thankfully, we're reminded in the song that "He knows what's best."
It's a comfort to know that even when we don't get it, we have a God who completely understands. He sees the end from the beginning. He gives peace that passes all understanding. "And I'm so glad He sees what we don't."
Monday, February 25, 2013
Benefits for Tracy Stuffle
As the Perrys' Tracy Stuffle recovers from a massive stroke, gospel artists and industry workers are working together to help them as much as possible. Tracy has been in ICU for more than four weeks, so there are several ways to help support Tracy and Libbi at this time:
You can order Team Tracy shirts from the Perrys. All money will go to to help pay hospital and medical expenses. Shirts are $15 each for sizes S - XXL. They are $17 each for 3X - 6X. No kid sizes are available. Include $3 shipping and handling for up to 2 shirts, for each additional shirt, add $1. You can send your order to -
Team Tracy
1774 Shagbark Way
Gallatin, TN 37066
To help with their medical expenses, there is a PayPal account set up. The PayPal account is Tracystuffle@mac.com.
I know there have already been a couple of benefit concerts with more planned. One is scheduled for March 8 in Marianna, Fla. with Jason and Christy Parker, Mercy Revealed, the Drummond Family and the Parish Family. Learn more about this event.
On March 19, many of your favorite artists are coming together for a benefit concert in Nashville at Christ Church. The lineup includes Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, The Oak Ridge Boys, Mark Lowry, Daily & Vincent, Jason Crabb, the Booth Brothers, the Isaacs, the Collingsworth Family, the Hoppers, Karen Peck & New River, Gold City, the Bowling Family and the Perrys. The event will be hosted by Joseph Habedank and Jason Crabb. To purchase tickets or for more information, go to www.tracystufflebenefit.com.
If you know of any other events scheduled, feel free to let me know in the comments below.
On March 19, many of your favorite artists are coming together for a benefit concert in Nashville at Christ Church. The lineup includes Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, The Oak Ridge Boys, Mark Lowry, Daily & Vincent, Jason Crabb, the Booth Brothers, the Isaacs, the Collingsworth Family, the Hoppers, Karen Peck & New River, Gold City, the Bowling Family and the Perrys. The event will be hosted by Joseph Habedank and Jason Crabb. To purchase tickets or for more information, go to www.tracystufflebenefit.com.
If you know of any other events scheduled, feel free to let me know in the comments below.
Bill Bailey, manager for the Perrys, issued a letter to Perry fans encouraging churches and organizations to continue booking the Perrys as Joseph and Bryan continue singing with Leah Page. To book them, contact the Harper Agency or call 615-851-4500.
I love how we have seen people come together to benefit this sweet family! Keep praying for Tracy's healing! Here's the latest update on Tracy.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Fun Clip Friday - Perrys Reunion
Today's Fun Clip Friday comes courtesy of a SocialCam video from Morgan Easter. On last week's Singing at Sea cruise, there was a mini Perrys reunion. Former members who joined the group were Mike Bowling, Troy Peach, Bryan Elliot and Nick Trammell. Great to see all these current and former Perrys on stage together! Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Craig Thomas, Jordan James Leave Dixie Echoes
Dixie Echoes' tenor Craig Thomas announced yesterday that he is leaving the group and life on the road.
Well this post comes with a heavy heart. I have decided to come off the road with the Dixie Echoes and resume my other work at my construction company. I want to thank Scoot and Randy for understanding my need to do this and for allowing me to live out my dream. I will miss the singing, the traveling and most of all the fans. I want thank Scoot, Randy, Ben and Jordan for some great times and wonderful singing. I love you guys and may God Bless your ministry. You are all true men of God.Craig has been with the group since August. He joined at the same time as bass singer Jordan James and pianst Ben Hart.
Best of luck to the Dixie Echoes in finding their new tenor! It's an interesting time for tenors in gospel music.
Update on March 7: Bass singer Jordan James also is leaving the group. The Dixie Echoes released this statement:
We are sad to announce the departures of Craig Thomas, and Jordan James from the Dixie Echoes. Both men have been great additions to the group, and we will sure miss these guys, but we respect their decisions to be home with their families. If you are a bass singer, or tenor singer, and would like to audition, please send a demo and short resume' to scoot@dixieechoes.com.
Not Missing a Beat - The Hoppers Concert Review
Dean Hopper, TaRanda Greene, Connie Hopper, Claude Hopper |
It's always interesting when group members are absent to see how things will go, especially with Kim being featured a lot. TaRanda did an amazing job filling in for Kim, and the Hoppers didn't miss a beat during the concert.
It was funny to hear the whispers in the audience as the Hoppers took the stage. People knew it didn't look like Kim. Others just thought maybe she had gone darker with her hair. There was quite a debate going on as to who it was. Then some finally realized it was TaRanda on stage, and not Kim.
The Hoppers started the night with "Stepping on the Clouds" and then "I Will Serve Thee." They sang one more, "Yahweh," always a favorite before Claude introduced TaRanda as filling in for Kim, since she was sick. And some people from the crowd finally could relax knowing who the brunette was on stage.
Next, they sang "I'll Take You Home," which is probably my favorite song from their latest album, Count Me In. They sang another one from album next, "Might Is the Word."
Josh Simpson had a piano solo, sorry I didn't get the name of it, but it was really good! His name is not one that gets recognized a lot as far as southern gospel piano players go, but he is definitely a standout musician. Claude made introductions next of the entire group.
They slowed things down with "I'll Worship Only at the Feet of Jesus." Connie and Dean really shine on this song to me. Dean impresses me more and more as a lead singer each time I see the Hoppers live. They did an a capella reprise of the chorus that TaRanda started that was beautiful!
TaRanda then sang Kim's song "He Didn't Just Carry the Cross." It got the first standing ovation of the night, but it was definitely not the last.
Connie was featured on "I've Come Too Far to Look Back." I still stand behind the statement that she is one of the classiest women in gospel music. I love to hear her sing this song. After the song, Claude started telling one of his stories, and a phone started ringing. Josh started laughing pointing at Claude realizing it was his phone that was ringing in his pocket. Mike from the drums called his dad out on the fact that it was his phone ringing. It stopped but rang again before he finished telling his story. We all got a good laugh about it!! They started back with the chorus of the song. TaRanda even took on Kim's role to restart the song holding out that long note (watch the video here). She did an incredible job with it!!! You can hear in the video the crowd's reaction to it, we all loved it!! Mike also hit some incredible bass notes!!!
The next song was the Hopper favorite, "Yes, I Am." After that TaRanda shared her testimony. She talked about how God delivered her from depression after Tony's death. She also told some cute stories about her girls. I loved how open and honest she was about her struggles and how when she turned her focus back to God that He delivered her from the depression. I can confidently say that God is using her story and her willingness to share her about her struggles to reach other people and for His glory. She then sang, "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked." Again, the audience was on its feet! If you have never seen her sing this, stop reading and go to YouTube right now and look it up! You won't regret it. TaRanda not only has powerful vocals, but she has such a way with communicating the lyrics of a song. And I loved her performance of this song!
The Hoppers sang "Jerusalem" next. They show clips of previously recorded performances of them singing "Jerusalem" as they sang. It was so interesting to see how the mannerisms of Kim on the screen and TaRanda live matched up. They closed the first half with "Something's Happening," which again earned a standing ovation. And it's another personal favorite of mine!
Claude said right before the break that the best was yet to come. The man beside me commented that he didn't know how it was going to get any better. I have to say the Hoppers outdid themselves in the first half, so we were all looking forward to more of the same in the second half.
It was really funny to hear people talking during intermission. There's no doubt that a Hoppers concert is not the same when one of them is missing. Kim was sorely missed, but people all around me were commenting on how similar Kim and TaRanda are vocally and in their performances. People were blown away by it, especially since they are not blood relation.
They started the second half with "Count Me In." Then Dean bragged on TaRanda being able to step in and fill in for Kim. He said that she had also been filling in for Connie some recently, but they hadn't really rehearsed much with the lineup as it was with TaRanda singing soprano. He was thankful she had been able to jump in and knew both Connie and Kim's parts.
Claude then started telling a story, and they thought he was setting up "If I Can Help Somebody," so Mike started playing the track. Claude stopped him and said he wasn't done, and that he wanted to sing another one. I love the good-natured banter back and forth between the family members during these moments. This is one thing about seeing group live that I enjoy, just seeing them being real and joking with each other on stage. Claude then sang a song called "Home" that I had never heard him sing before.
The track started for "I Am Whatever You Need." TaRanda looked at Dean and said something to him. Before he started singing the first verse, he commented to the audience that she didn't know this one. Dean sings the first verse, but Kim normally sings the second. When they got to the second verse, Mike thought he knew it and could feed her lyrics, but then apparently drew a blank. So instead of saying lyrics, he said, "Listen to TaRanda as she sings." Haha! He was no help! :) Bless her heart, nobody else knew the second verse so she started humming along with the melody and then they got to part that Connie and Dean knew and were able to feed lyrics to her. She finished strong and the audience responded with applause. Once. they got to the chorus, and TaRanda wiped her forehead in relief that it was over.
Dean then started setting up "That's Him" and looked at TaRanda and said that he knew she knew this song. He talked about his mom's battle with cancer and then said that he and Kim's youngest daughter had been born nine and a half months premature. With that, the audience started laughing and they called him out on saying months instead of weeks. Haha! Connie started singing the song. I wasn't as familiar with this song, but quickly fell in love with the lyrics. And then they sang the always fan favorite, "Shoutin' Time." Again they had the audience up clapping along.
Next, they played their concept video of "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" and then showed a video of the Roman Road taking us through the plan of salvation. They closed with "Grace Will Always Be Greater Than Sin."
It was such a great night. One thing I love about seeing the Hoppers live is that you never leave their concerts disappointed. Every time I've seen them, they sing for at least two hours, most of the time closer to three. And they give it their all for every minute.
Kim was definitely missed. She is such an amazing vocalist that she's one of the reasons I look forward to seeing the Hoppers live. I was also sad that I missed getting to hear her and TaRanda together, but TaRanda did great filling in. It's so good to see and hear TaRanda singing on stage again. I loved how you can tell what a close family they are when they are on stage together. They laughed and kidded with TaRanda just as they would have with Kim. TaRanda and Kim are very similar as vocalists and that was even more evident to me after the concert. Many times with a group member gone, it's evident that something is missing and the concert doesn't go as smoothly. But with TaRanda being like part of the family, it wasn't the case on Saturday night. The Hoppers didn't miss a beat and made it a memorable evening for all who were there!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Recent Changes for the Diplomats, Debra Perry and Jaidyn's Call
Last week the Diplomats announced that Michael Lott, piano player, would be leaving. He was with the group for almost seven years. Here's what the Diplomats said:
"We have been blessed through the years to not have had very many personnel changes. We love and appreciate Michael's time and dedication to this ministry! We pray for Michael and his wife, Ashley, as they prepare for the next chapter of their lives. Anyone interesting in joining The Diplomats at the piano should contact The Diplomats through email at thediplomats@aol.com or by phone at (770)832-2930."This week, Debra Perry and Jaidyn's Call announced that Grant Gibson would be leaving. Grant will be pursuing another ministry opportunity. He will continue with the group until a permanent replacement is found. Here's the statement from Jaidyn's Call:
We wish him well on his new journey. We are seeking a male lead/tenor singer. It is a paid position 100-125 dates a year. We have performed on Main stage at NQC.
Applicants need send an Mp3, current bio and pic to: info@goldrushmusicgroup.com. Experience is a must. Serious Applicants only, need apply. No Phones Calls please.
Christopher states that he will be setting up all of the auditions because his wife Debra is having to be with Libbi Perry Stuffle, her sister. Continued prayers are desired for Tracy & Libbi.. Thank you!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Fun Clip Friday - Jim and Melissa Brady
Happy Friday to everyone out there! I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day yesterday. Today's Fun Clip post carries over the Valentine theme with one of Southern Gospel's cutest couples, Jim and Melissa Brady. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Future Top Songwriters
The Harmony Honors this year recognized six songwriters on Jan. 29. The awards aired on TBN Friday night, and if you missed it, it's available On Demand on TBN's website. It's two hours of great gospel music!
The six songwriters honored this year were Phil Cross, Rodney Griffin, Ronny Hinson, Mosie Lister, Squire Parsons and Dianne Wilkinson. They told fun stories of their inspirations for their most well-known songs. Again, if you didn't catch, I highly recommend watching online.
The Harmony Honors happen every year, but it's always unique what they choose to honor. So if they do another songwriter honors in 10-15 years, who do you think would be included? We have so many great songwriters today, but who is really going to be on top in 10-15 years. I think there are several who are at the top of their game now, but it's interesting to think which writers (new or established) are going to continue emerging to the top in the next 15 years. There are so many names that come to mind, but here are my predictions:
1. Jim and Melissa Brady - I think the argument could have been made for Jim to be included this time. However, this songwriting husband and wife I think will only improve in the next 10 years. Jim has already proven he has longevity not only as singer but also songwriter. Melissa has had a great number of songs come out recently with "Homecoming Day" (Tribute Quartet) and "All is Well" (The Whisnants).
2. Joseph Habedank - Joseph's already had a Song of Year while still in his mid-20s. He not only had a #1 song with the Perrys, but also the Kingsmen hit #1 with "He's Everything I Need." He's even written a song that contemporary Christian artist Natalie Grant had on hold. I think he's going to be liken to Rodney Griffin in the next decade.
3. Scotty Inman - Scotty Inman has not only written for Triumphant, but he's also had cuts by the Kingsmen and more recently Karen Peck on her solo album. He's worked with Dianne Wilkinson writing and even traveled with Phil Cross with his previous success and being under such great influences, I think he will continue to rise to the top.
4. Sonya Isaacs Yeary/ Jimmy Yeary/ Becky Isaacs Bowman - These three are hard to separate, because they write together as well as in different combinations of two. Jimmy has already made a name for himself as a country song writer, and he and Sonya had the major hit, "I'm Gonna Love You Through It." Sonya and Becky had the #1 by the Bowling Family, "Your Cries Have Awoken the Master." With these three now traveling and touring together full-time, I think many more great songs are going to come out of them!
5. Kenna Turner West - She has already had a number of hits with Karen Peck and New River, Brian Free and Assurance and the Talley Trio. I'm personally a big fan of her writing. She's definitely already an established and recognized writer in the Southern Gospel community, but I feel like she could be the next generation's Dianne Wilkinson.
6. Ricky Free - Ricky cowrote one of my favorite songs that was released last year, "I Want to Be That Man" by Brian Free and Assurance. He also wrote several cuts on Morgan Easter's latest solo project that caught my eye last year. I think Ricky is going to be the one of this group who emerges the most in the next 15 years.
What do you think? What songwriters are going to rise to the top in the next 15 years?
The six songwriters honored this year were Phil Cross, Rodney Griffin, Ronny Hinson, Mosie Lister, Squire Parsons and Dianne Wilkinson. They told fun stories of their inspirations for their most well-known songs. Again, if you didn't catch, I highly recommend watching online.
The Harmony Honors happen every year, but it's always unique what they choose to honor. So if they do another songwriter honors in 10-15 years, who do you think would be included? We have so many great songwriters today, but who is really going to be on top in 10-15 years. I think there are several who are at the top of their game now, but it's interesting to think which writers (new or established) are going to continue emerging to the top in the next 15 years. There are so many names that come to mind, but here are my predictions:
1. Jim and Melissa Brady - I think the argument could have been made for Jim to be included this time. However, this songwriting husband and wife I think will only improve in the next 10 years. Jim has already proven he has longevity not only as singer but also songwriter. Melissa has had a great number of songs come out recently with "Homecoming Day" (Tribute Quartet) and "All is Well" (The Whisnants).
2. Joseph Habedank - Joseph's already had a Song of Year while still in his mid-20s. He not only had a #1 song with the Perrys, but also the Kingsmen hit #1 with "He's Everything I Need." He's even written a song that contemporary Christian artist Natalie Grant had on hold. I think he's going to be liken to Rodney Griffin in the next decade.
3. Scotty Inman - Scotty Inman has not only written for Triumphant, but he's also had cuts by the Kingsmen and more recently Karen Peck on her solo album. He's worked with Dianne Wilkinson writing and even traveled with Phil Cross with his previous success and being under such great influences, I think he will continue to rise to the top.
4. Sonya Isaacs Yeary/ Jimmy Yeary/ Becky Isaacs Bowman - These three are hard to separate, because they write together as well as in different combinations of two. Jimmy has already made a name for himself as a country song writer, and he and Sonya had the major hit, "I'm Gonna Love You Through It." Sonya and Becky had the #1 by the Bowling Family, "Your Cries Have Awoken the Master." With these three now traveling and touring together full-time, I think many more great songs are going to come out of them!
5. Kenna Turner West - She has already had a number of hits with Karen Peck and New River, Brian Free and Assurance and the Talley Trio. I'm personally a big fan of her writing. She's definitely already an established and recognized writer in the Southern Gospel community, but I feel like she could be the next generation's Dianne Wilkinson.
6. Ricky Free - Ricky cowrote one of my favorite songs that was released last year, "I Want to Be That Man" by Brian Free and Assurance. He also wrote several cuts on Morgan Easter's latest solo project that caught my eye last year. I think Ricky is going to be the one of this group who emerges the most in the next 15 years.
What do you think? What songwriters are going to rise to the top in the next 15 years?
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Nelons Nominated for a Telly Award
The Nelons released the news yesterday that their concept music video of the song "Excuse Me, Are You Jesus?" has been nominated for the 34th Annual People's Choice Telly Awards. The Nelons have the only gospel video nominated. Congratulations on them to being nominated! Be sure to help them out by voting!!
Here's a portion of the news release below:
Here's a portion of the news release below:
The true-to-life story, put to song by legendary Christian music icons Bill & Gloria Gaither and Country music superstar Larry Gatlin tells the story of a man who makes a startling connection upon missing his home-bound flight. Point Light Pictures, LLC was brought to the task of making the story come to life. While the music video has been displayed at numerous events - live concerts, Gaither Homecoming Tour before thousands in attendance, Pastor David Jeremiah's "Turning Point" rally at Phillips Arena, and many churches - it has not been viewable online, until now.
Until March 1, "Excuse Me, Are You Jesus?" has been unlocked as a selection of the 34th Annual Telly Awards People's Choice Awards on YouTube. To view the video and vote, follow this direct link to the video – CLICK HERE (computer only, no mobile device) – and click the "thumbs up" at the bottom of the video (You can vote as many times as you want).
"We're excited about this opportunity for the Nelons' work to be promoted and recognized," states Don Schaffer, owner of Point Light Pictures, LLC. Kelly Nelon comments: "This song means so much to our family and the reaction we've seen from friends around the country has been exciting. We invite our friends to share this video with everyone they know and, of course, vote!" Bill Gaither states, "As a co-producer of this album and co-writer of this song I am thrilled to see it nominated for such a prestigious award as the People's Choice Telly Award. It's been a wonderful journey partnering with the Nelons on this recording."
“The Telly Awards has a mission to honor the very best in film and video,” said Linda Day, Executive Director of the Telly Awards. “The Nelons' accomplishment illustrates their creativity, skill, and dedication to their craft and serves as a testament to great film and video production.”
Monday, February 11, 2013
Back Home Becomes a Trio
Back Home, a gospel duo, announced that they will officially become a trio.
Jennifer, Back Home alto singer, said, "We have heard for so long that we need to be a trio, but we just never felt that one person ever showed up."
Jimmy Layne stated, "After years of looking for the right person to join us, we finally stumbled upon Stacy Pearcy. Not only is she a fantastic singer, but she is in the family. Stacy is Jennifer's cousin."
Stacy will join the group immediately and be full-time in May. She lives in Rainsville, Ala. with her husband, Rick, and two daughters Hannah and Caitlin. She's a veteran singer.
Jimmy went on to say, "We've been waiting for the right person to come along and Stacy's love of God and heart for ministry matches ours....not to mention how well her vocals blend with ours."
To learn more about Back Home and to see when they will be in your area, visit their website.
Jennifer, Back Home alto singer, said, "We have heard for so long that we need to be a trio, but we just never felt that one person ever showed up."
Jimmy Layne stated, "After years of looking for the right person to join us, we finally stumbled upon Stacy Pearcy. Not only is she a fantastic singer, but she is in the family. Stacy is Jennifer's cousin."
Stacy will join the group immediately and be full-time in May. She lives in Rainsville, Ala. with her husband, Rick, and two daughters Hannah and Caitlin. She's a veteran singer.
Jimmy went on to say, "We've been waiting for the right person to come along and Stacy's love of God and heart for ministry matches ours....not to mention how well her vocals blend with ours."
To learn more about Back Home and to see when they will be in your area, visit their website.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Update on Tracy Stuffle - Post 3

Also be sure to continue to support the Perrys when they are in concert near you!
Previous updates are here.
Update from Libbi at 9:30 p.m. on April 25:
The past couple of days have been drama free. Tracy resting and sleeping a lot. The neurologist put him on a muscle relaxer for his left hand and wrist, but it's knocking him out! So, I talked to the floor doctor this afternoon and told him I couldn't really see a difference in the hand and wrist, but did see a difference with him sleeping more since being given the muscle relaxer, so he reduced the dosage to half. I am hoping that this will help him stay awake a little more.
Speech therapy has visited Tracy the past two days. They are performing swallowing test on him to see if he is able to swallow. He did well with ice chips. He did ok with one teaspoon of water, but the second one he coughed on. So that let them know it was going down the wrong way. But, that let them know where to start at with a program. Today, they removed the trach collar and put a passy muir speaking valve on to see how he would tolerate breathing through his nose and mouth. He did really well with it. Then the therapist gave him something that looked a little bit like stage 1 baby food fruit. She gave him several spoon fills and he tolerated eating this and swallowing it very well. He has a slight delay in swallowing, but it will get better. The therapist said she expected him to be much worst with him being in ICU for 93 days. I was thrilled to hear this! I am praying this is a step in the direction of getting this trach out soon!!!! I am thinking that they will work with him daily through the week with these steps of progression.
The physical therapist came in Wednesday and set him up on the edge of the bed again. He seemed to be a little bit stronger in the neck. He has a little trouble with balancing, but this will all come in time. They will be back tomorrow (Friday) to do this again!! I am praying for God to strengthen him with a supernatural strength!
I want to say thank you to my niece Brittany Johnson DeVault!! She tries to come by the hospital every evening that she can to sit with me. She works and is going to school to get her degree in teaching. Plus, she teaches the 10th grade girls Sunday school class at her church. I know she has all this stuff going on in her life, but she tries to make time to come and see her Uncle T and sit with me for a little while. I DEEPLY APPRECIATE HER DOING THIS WITH HER SCHEDULE!!! I love you BB!!!!!
Dear Lord,
Thank You for another day of life and another day of mercies and miracles! I can never ever thank You enough for Your love, grace and mercy!!!! Thank You for holding me close to Your chest during the moments that I may become overwhelmed with some of the task of this situation!!!! Not one time have You left me or let me down!! Forgive me Lord, for the days that I want things to happen NOW!!! You have a plan and a time frame and I must wait for You to decide when Your timing is right for Tracy! Your ways are not our ways and Your thoughts are not our thoughts!!! Give me wisdom and knowledge to just TRUST You and WAIT!
I love You Sweet Jesus!!!
Update from Libbi at 7 p.m. on April 23:
I've had a bunch of people texting and emailing wanting to know how our first night out in a regular room was after being in ICU for so long. It was good. Would be better if the nurses that we've had knew how to operate the trach that Tracy has. But, they are not familiar with it because it's mainly just used in ICU. I woke up about every hour checking on Tracy and listening to see if he needed suctioning. The night nurse tried several times, but she just didn't go down into the lungs far enough to get out the secretions that he had out. Then, when I would go to sleep, the IV buzzers or feeding tube would go off signaling that all the medicine or formula was out of the bags. Praying tonight will be better! :0)
I felt good this morning when one of the ICU nurses called me to check on us and then another one who taught me about the trach came to the room this afternoon to check on us. It's comforting to know that they are just down the hall if I need them. They have been so wonderful to Tracy and I.
Tracy has slept most of the day. I figured he would because he was awake for so long yesterday and last night. I just let him sleep because it's what his brain needs to heal. I did give him a bath this morning by myself, turning him and all! Wasn't too bad, but it's something that I do need to get help with. I also worked Tracy out after giving him a bath. By the time I finished it was almost 11am. I had about 20 text messages and phone calls on my phone when I was finished. I am trying to keep the same pattern in the regular room as I did in the ICU about not talking on the phone. I really want Tracy to get great rest and not have to be bothered with my phone ringing constantly and me talking on it. I hope those calling will understand. Again, if you have my number just text me! Texting works better for me any ways.
At some point and time this week, Tracy will be having a swallowing test done. Not sure to what extent, but we will see what happens. Tomorrow the PT will come in to sit Tracy on the edge of the bed again. Please pray that God will give him a supernatural strength to do what they want him to do.
Well, that's about all there is to talk about right now. We are just maintaining for a bit. Please, keep praying!!!
God, thank You for another quiet day! I pray that if tomorrow comes that You will give Tracy a supernatural strength to hold his head up, sit up and move his legs and arms. Father, You made his body, You know what it takes to make it work and to restore it to it's natural state. God, I thank You and praise You for everything You have done and that You are gonna do!!! I am believing for nothing less than a excellent report!!!! God, You are more than worthy of ALL our praise!!!! I love You Father!!!!
Update from Libbi at 4:15 p.m. on April 22:
Well, Tracy was moved out of ICU to a regular room this morning!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! It was scary and exciting at the same time!! Scary because we were leaving his security bubble that he's been in for the past 93 days. And, just about all of his good nurses were working today. We feel like family!! But, it was exciting because this proves that God has worked another great miracle!!! Thanks to Mike Bowling for coming by as we were moving to the new room. He was able to show me more stuff on the trach and breathing stuff. I just might turn out to be a pretty good respiratory therapist or nurse before this is all over! :0)
The physical therapist came in before moving him and worked with him and he did really well. I knelt down in front of him and he was able to put his left arm around my neck and hugged me!!! Yeah, it felt great!!!! He's still very weak, but he's showing signs of slowly improving. As long as we are moving forward, we will take it slowly.
He's been awake since 7am this morning. He's been watching TV. He has a room with a view of Nashville and the motel where I have been staying. I think he realized this morning that he had made a big step into recovering.
This does not mean that he's ready to get back on the bus yet. He still has a long road in front of him, but I am expecting God to do a mighty work in the recovery mode too!!!! I have learned to just let God do what He does best and I will stay out of His way and let it happen in HIS time!! As the old tv show said, FATHER KNOWS BEST!!!!
Update from Libbi at 4 p.m. on April 21:
Things have been rather quiet the past couple of days, so that's the reason for no updates. We like quiet days with no drama! :) Most of the days consist of Tracy resting and sleeping. After 5 bleeds/strokes, his brain needs all the rest it can get to heal! Today he has watched Dr. Charles Stanley, some of the NASCAR race and some hockey in between sleeping. I even took a little nap too!! Our niece Brittany Johnson DeVault came to eat lunch after church and she took a nap too behind the chair in the ICU room. :o
Hopefully tomorrow Tracy will be moved to a regular room if the ICU Dr feels he's ready to make the move. We will see what happens.
I have had several people calling my phone during the day and just a reminder, I only text when I am in Tracy's room. I will try to return the calls after 6 pm til 8 pm. If you don't hear from me, please text me.
I am excited that JK is coming home tonight after being on the road for 3 weeks! I miss him terribly! But, I am so very proud of him for stepping into his dad's shoes handling things on the road!! He has seen it can be very stressful!! I am proud and thankful for Joseph, Bryan, Leah and Shawn for the hard work they have done over the past three months!!!! They are tearing it up every night giving it all they have!!! I love my kids!!!!
Please continue to pray for them!
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. (1 Peter 5:10 KJV)
Update from Libbi at 11 a.m. on April 19:
Tracy is doing good! Thought we were going to a regular room today but, Dr feels he has a little too much secretions. So he said maybe tomorrow or Sunday. Better safe than sorry!
He's been awake more this morning. He was awake when I got here this morning! I love it when he's awake. I always come in and say, hello Sunshine!!! Then I usually sing, You are my Sunshine! This morning he looked content while I was singing it to him! ;0)
When he does wake up, we watch the news coverage from Boston. Our hearts go out to all the victims of this tragedy! It's very sad that people can be so violent that they want to take the lives of innocent people! God help us all to be a light to this dark troubled world!!!!
I will update later this evening if any changes here! I pray you all have a very blessed weekend!!!!
Update from Libbi at 9:45 p.m. on April 18:
Today has been a quiet day for Tracy. He's mostly been sleeping. He needs that right now.
If nothing happens he will be moved to a regular room tomorrow!! In one sense it's gonna be sad because we've had some incredible nurses!!! So many of them have loved on us the past 89 days!!! Even if they are not his nurse for the day or night, they will come by his room to check on us and to give me a hug!!! That means sooo much!!! Some of them have also taught me a lot of stuff!! Today his nurse Chris taught me how to suction him out on his trach. Yeah, I was terrified at the beginning, but Chris reassured me that I could not hurt Tracy doing this. I really think I could be a nurse except for all those weird names and words of medicines!! I have to have laymen terms!!! ;0) Kinda like the fancy people say "dinner" and I say "supper!!" Hehehe! Any ways, I'm gonna miss all these special people who have went above and beyond for Tracy while being in ICU!! But, I am sooo ready to move on with progress!!!
It's still gonna be a long road for Tracy, but maybe in the next few weeks I can start doing a few dates here and there that are close or some have mentioned flying me in and out on certain dates. I'm just trusting God with the details of everything! I find it's better HIS way and not mine!!! :0)
Well, I think this is about it for now. Please continue to pray for God to supernaturally strengthen Tracy daily!!!! I am expecting nothing less than a MIRACLE!!!! Don't know when it will happen, but I know it will!!!
Thank you again for loving us and standing with us through all the ups and downs!!! My heart is overwhelmed by all the love and prayers!!!!!
God, You are more than enough for every situation in our lives!!!! I find trusting You is easier than stressing and trying to figure out how to make it work!!! Give me new grace and new mercies daily!!! Thank You God for every miracle and progress the past 89 days!!! Thank You for the miracles to come!!!! I love You Poppa!!!!
Update from Libbi on April 18:
Ok Tracy will not be released next week from the hospital. He will be moved out of ICU to a regular room. Then we will go from there. He may move out of ICU in the next day or so. I misunderstood the plans. So......this should give us a little more time to get Tracy stronger.
Now, I will take a deep breath and exhale!!!! :) But, I will still be praying for God to strengthen Tracy with unbelievable strength!!!
I appreciate all the emails of suggestions!! God will work every detail out according to HIS will.
Respiratory came in this morning and changed out the trach from a 8 to a 6. So, we are moving in the right direction with getting this out!
My heart is so very grateful for every prayer prayed, every email, text message, phone calls, motel room paid, love gifts, benefit concerts, prayer cloths and support!!!! You all will never know how encouraging all of this has been to me and my family!!! Y'all have been my Aaron by holding my arms up when I was tired and worn out!! I pray God will bless each one of you soooo much, you won't be able to contain it all!!!! Love y'all!!!
God is good!!!! His grace IS sufficient for every need and every situation!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11 a.m. on April 17:
I am HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!! PT & OT therapists just got Tracy up on edge of bed and he was up for 20 mins. He kicked a little smiley face ball that I had for him several times with his left foot!!!! HAPPY dance!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!! I told him to kick me and he tried! ;0) Held his head up pretty good too! His blood pressure/ heart rate/ oxygen level, everything was incredible during this whole time of sitting up!!! He looked a lot stronger today!! I really think this was a boost for him today!!!! I could see it in his eyes!!! I kept telling him over and over how proud I was of him and I am!!!! I also told him I was gonna go buy me a cheerleader's outfit to wear when he does therapy!!!
Update from Libbi at 4:15 p.m. on April 16:
Tracy has had a good couple of days of resting. I think his body just needed to try to catch up. He's still on the trach collar and has been since Saturday morning. They actually removed the ventilator out of his room this morning!! That is a step forward on progress!! Mike Bowling (who is a respiratory therapist) was in the room when they came in and we had just been talking about, wondered when they would take it out? Can't wait for the day that he is totally off trach collar and able to talk!!!
Tracy no longer is a one sided Bozo the clown hair head! :) His nurse today shaved the other side of his head while I was gone to cafeteria for lunch. I came back into his room and he looked like a biker! Hehehehe! At least now it will all be the same length when it grows out!
Praying for God's will on a rehab facility. One that will give him intense therapy. As we learned with my mom when she had her massive stroke in 2000, it's important for them to have intense therapy!!! Please help us pray that God will work out every detail where He wants him to be, as it is getting close for him to be moved.
Thanks to our friends: Mark Trammell, Mark Campbell, the Sneed Family, Eddie and Loretta Debord for stopping by to visit. We appreciate the love, prayers and support.
Our prayers are with the victims and their families of the Boston bombing!!!! Such a sad tragedy!!! Come quickly Lord Jesus!!!
Update from Libbi at 9:40 a.m. on April 15:
Dr. Ulm came in this morning and he doesn't know why all the concern last night. He said CT scan looked good. He said the spot that everybody thought was blood he says he's almost for sure it's spinal fluid. And it's only a very small spot. He was very pleased with the scan. He said, Tracy would have moments of being sleepy because of all his body has been through.
Go GOD Go!!!!
The PT just came in and set him up on the edge of the bed! First time his feet have been on the floor in 84 days!! He did very well considering he's been in bed for 84 days. PT was impressed with the amount of strength he had with trying to hold his head up and not bobbing! He also knew where his center point of balance was. He did have to have support holding him up, but he was able to balance himself for several seconds! The PT said, for as long as he has been in bed, he did very well!!!! Whoop, whoop!!! Another big ole' Go GOD Go!!!!!!!!!!
Praise Him y'all!!!!!!! HE is WORTHY!!!!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 10:38 p.m. on April 14:
Tracy pretty well has had a good day. He seemed more sleepy today than yesterday. The nurse tonight called for a CT scan just to make sure everything is ok. The scan came back with a small amount of blood on the right side of brain. Dr. Ulm has ordered to start Tracy on Keppra, which is to prevent onset of seizures. People who have had or has blood on the brain are at a higher risk of seizures, which can cause set backs. They will continue to monitor Tracy closely and watch for any neuro changes or any other changes for that matter. He is still responding when awake. Some of sleepiness could be from anesthesia from surgery also. I will update tomorrow. I am trusting God and His will. Tracy is in His hands and none of this has caught God off guard! I am expecting excellent progress from here on out!!! I choose to praise God for all things He has done and is gonna do!!!! Satan and all his little demons might as well go to hell where they belong, because I rebuke them in the name of Jesus!!!! They have NO authority over Tracy or his body!!!!!
Let the enemy flee at Your rebuke, O Lord!!! Ps 104:7
Jesus, You are our refuge and strong tower!!!! You are Our healer!!!!! We trust You Jesus for everything in our lives!!!! You are aware of our situation and Thy will be done!!! You are good and You are worthy to be praised!!!! I love You Jesus!!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 3:45 p.m. on April 13:
Tracy is doing good today. He's been a little sleepy due to being put to sleep yesterday evening for the shunt surgery. When he does wake up, he tries to watch the Master's Golf Tournament in Augusta, GA, but it does to him what it does to me..........puts him to sleep!!! ;0)
The incision looks good. He was running a slight fever, but I think that's common after surgery. He looks really little. He's lost a lot of fluid over the past couple days.
They put him back on the track collar this morning and he's doing good with it.
Over all, it's been a quiet day.
I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. (Psalms 34:1, 3 KJV)
Update from Libbi at 11:30 p.m. on April 12:
I should already be in bed getting some extra sleep, but with the miracle God has given us today well.........it's just hard to go to sleep!!!!! GO GOD GO!!!!
Seemed like we waited all day for the surgery to begin. Dr. Ulm came into the ICU room and was giving me last minute options on surgery or not and the things that could go wrong. I knew in my heart this was the moment that I was gonna prove to God, that I totally trusted Him!!! Kinda like when we were kids and Daddy would set us up on a table and say, jump!!! I will catch you, you have nothing to be afraid of!! And you know what?? We jumped!!! Why???? Because we trusted Daddy that he would not let us fall!!! Today.........Was that moment for me to say, Daddy here I come, I am trusting You not to let me fall!!! When Dr. Ulm looked at me and said, it's up to you what you want to do for Tracy. I looked him in the eyes and said, I just have to trust God with this!!
He then looked at me and said, if it was my family, I would do the same thing! Then, he said, let's pray!!!!! I was expecting myself or my brother to lead the prayer, but Dr. Ulm took off and started praying!!!! Y'all this is such a God thing!!!! That's the kind of Doctor you want to have working on you!!!
I looked at Tracy and told him I loved him and I would see him when he came out. Then we went to the waiting room. I didn't get stressed or worried the time waiting, because I knew God had this!!! The phone rang in the waiting room and they said, it was for the Stuffle family. I answered the phone and it was Dr. Ulm. He said, the drainage tube came out with not issues or bleed. He said, they put the shunt in and everything went great with it with no issues or bleeds. I immediately started thanking God! I got off the phone and told my family, my Pastor & his wife and some friends that came from Pittsburg, Il the great news!!!! We gathered in a circle and thanked and praised God right there in the middle of that waiting room!!!
It was about 45 minutes before Tracy was back in the room. When I walked in, I was shocked because they shaved one side of his head and the other side was sticking out like Bozo the clown. :0) Tracy's always tried to get me to let him shave his head and I would always say, NOPE!!! Well..............I took a picture of him where he can see it later down the road. The nurse for tonight promised me he was gonna look after Tracy all night and for me to come and get some rest. I just talked to the nurse and he said, all of Tracy's vitals were great and he had opened his eyes a couple of times, but he would be asleep just about all night from being put to sleep during the surgery.
Y'all, thank you soooooooo much for sticking with me and praying for this day to come and there be no issues and no bleeds!!!!! I just can't say it enough!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, don't stop praying!!!! Let's pray him back on stage!!!! GO GOD GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOD, I am forever grateful for Your miracle that You gave Tracy and our family today!!!! I will never be able to say, THANK YOU enough for the rest of my life, but I'm gonna try!!!!!! God, we pray now that there will be NO clogging in the shunt and NO more infections!!!!!! I love You Father!!!!!!! Today, YOU didn't let me fall, when I jumped into Your arms!!!!!!! With a grateful heart, I lift my praises to You, for GREAT things You have done and gonna do!!!! Can't wait for the next miracle to take place!!!!! GO GOD GO!!!!! In Jesus' Name!!! Amen!!!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 7 p.m. on April 12:
Praise God!!!! Praise God!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!
Tracy's surgery is done, everything went great!!!!!! PTL!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 2 p.m. on April 11:
We have all clear on the infection in the brain!!!!! Praise The Lord and thank You Jesus!!! And it's a God thing because this new EVD drain that was replaced last Wednesday is blocked!!! It stopped working about 10 am this morning. So, here's the plan: Dr. Ulm just came in and tried to flush the line, but was unsuccessful. The plan is to put the shunt in sometime tomorrow. Tracy will be going for a CT scan here shortly to check the status of the brain and fluid. They will monitor him throughout the afternoon and evening for any neuro changes. If there's none, then the surgery will be tomorrow. But, if he does start having neuro changes, they may do it this evening after 7pm. Dr. Ulm had the feeding tube turned off just now, in case he has to do the surgery this evening. They will be placing the shunt in a different area with hopes of it not clogging up. I was told earlier by a nurse last week that the drainage tube on the shunt was larger than on the EVD. But, Dr. Ulm just said, no it's the same size.
Here's the prayer request:
For no neuro changes!!
No issues before, during or after surgery!!
NO bleeds before, during or after surgery!!
And NO clots that can cause the drain to block up!!!
For Dr. Ulm to trace God's hands during this surgery for the correct placement of the shunt!!
For God to give him and the other assistants in surgery knowledge and wisdom to do every procedure correctly.
I will update this evening if any changes takes place, if not I may wait to update in the morning.
I pray all of our friends in the line of these storms today will be safe and protected by God's hands!
Dear Heavenly Father,
I take the shield of faith and quench EVERY fiery dart of the enemy!!! Eph 6:16
Tracy is fearfully and wonderfully made. Let Tracy's body function in the wonderful way You designed it to function! Psa 139:14
Break down EVERY wall erected by the enemy against Tracy's life!!! Ezek 13:14
In Jesus' Name I pray!!!! Amen
Update from Libbi at 11:15 a.m. on April 10:
Second day of CSF culture is CLEAR!!!! If clear tomorrow, will do shunt tomorrow or Friday! Praise The Lord!!!!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 3:10 p.m. on April 9:
Dr Carr, Tracy's infectious disease dr just came in and said preliminary results of CSF fluid from brain show all clear of infection, but wants to wait another day to make sure it stays that way. Please keep praying!!!!
Update from Libbi at 9:30 p.m. on April 8:
I know it's been a couple of days since I have updated on Tracy. Things have been going good and quiet. There's not really been anything going on to update. I've had several people emailing me wanting updates. I don't won't to send too many messages out with nothing new to report on. If you don't see an update on Facebook or Caringbridge.org then you will know things are going good and no changes.
Dr. Darice drew CSF fluid this morning to see if the infection is gone. It will take 48 to 72 hours to get the results back. If the infection is totally gone, they will proceed ahead with putting the shunt in ASAP. Please stay in prayer that there will be NO INFECTION, NO ISSUES WITH PUTTING SHUNT IN AND NO BLEEDS!! I feel like when we get over this bump in the road, Tracy will be able to make some progress with moving toward rehab. Also, be in prayer for God to place Tracy in the rehab facility that he will get the best care with intense therapy.
Tracy has been on the trach collar for 33 hours!!! That means he's basically breathing on his own, so this is a big deal!! Praise The Lord!!!
Tonight, we are watching the final game of the Final Four Basketball National Championship. His TV quit working so they brought him another one, which is a flat screen and bigger for him to see easier. We may not get him to go to sleep at all now, especially if I can find a Atlanta Braves game on!! :0)
Well, I think this covers everything. I will update as soon as there's anything new happening.
Thanks for all the prayers and those who are still with me fasting until the shunt is in!!! God is good!!!!
Thank You Precious Jesus for Your hand being upon Tracy during these past 77 days!!! You have kept him in the palm of Your hand!!! Thank You for Your miracles yet to come!!!! I love You Sweet Savior!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11 p.m. on April 6:
Been another quiet day with Tracy. He was very alert all day today. When I walked into the ICU room this morning he was wiggling his left foot as to say look at me, at what I'm doing! I told him, GO TRACY GO!!!! Then I had to thank God!!!! Then I worked with him on reaching with his left hand and arm and he did great with that. We watched a couple episodes of Duck Dynasty, a couple baseball games and a basketball game. He was still awake when I had to leave at 6pm. He was still awake when I returned at 8pm. But, he finally drifted off to sleep about 9:15pm, so we prayed with him and I came back to the hotel room to get a little extra sleep.
It will pretty much be a waiting game for the next few days waiting to see what the results of the CSF is. It will probably be Wednesday or Thursday before we know anything if the infection is cleared up. I'm trusting God for a excellent report!!!! :0)
It's been great spending the past couple of days with my baby sister Rachel Perry Trivette and her family. I don't get to see them much at all and so it's been great getting to see Syd and Wes and spending a little bit of time with them. They will be leaving in the morning going back home to N. Carolina.
Well, that's about it for now. I will update again tomorrow afternoon or evening. I pray you all have a very blessed Lord's Day!!! Remember to hug your loved ones a little tighter and longer and tell them you love them!!!! Life can change in one second!!
Thank You Sweet Jesus for another great, quiet day! Thank You for letting me see that Tracy was a little stronger today than yesterday. I pray if tomorrow comes, he will be even stronger than today!!! Lord, he's in Your hands and he's Your child, just hold him close to Your heart tonight as he sleeps so he can hear Your heart beat! Minister to him as You hold him close!! I love You Jesus and there's NO WAY I could face this life without You!!!!!! Give us a new day, new mercies and NEW MIRACLES!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 5 p.m. on April 5:
I meant to do a update earlier, but took a little nap! ;0)
Things have been rather quiet the past couple days for Tracy. He's rested great. When he wakes up, he's wide awake! Last night Matthew Holt stopped by on his way to meet the GVB bus and he actually got two smiles out of Tracy and a kiss on the cheek! Tracy's always thought of Matthew as a second son.
During his work outs this morning, one with me at 8am and his physical therapist, Tracy was able to touch his chin and nose!!! This is a pretty big deal. They have him back on the trach collar again today. Yesterday they let him rest after having drain and trach changed. But, today it's been back to work!! No rest for the weary! :0)
We are still waiting for the infection in the brain to clear up. They should be drawing more fluid Monday morning to see if the infection is gone. I'm praying and believing for an excellent report!!! God has the best reports of anyone!!
A big, big thank you to my Mother In Love, Grace!!!! She has kept me in clean clothes the past 74 days, along with JK!!! This has been a major big blessing to me!!!!!
My family has been incredible to try to be here as much as they can!! I know this is hard on them trying to manage their own lives and families!! But, I am forever grateful!!!
Thank You Sweet Jesus for such an incredible family that you've blessed me with. I never won't to take any of them for granted! Bless them all richly beyond what they can contain!!!! Thank You for all the miracles, blessings and mercies over the past 74 days!!! Your grace IS sufficient for EVERY need in our lives!!!!! I love You Father!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 12:30 p.m. on April 4:
Tracy has been sleeping good this morning. They've had to change out his trach this morning because the bulb had a leak last night. So I think it has worn him out. He's also running a little bit of a temp.
The new EVD drainage cath is working great! Go GOD Go!!! The next few days will be a waiting game for infection to clear out completely so they can discuss the shunt.
Just wanted to update you on what's been going on today so far.
Thanks for ALL the prayers, love and support during this journey!!! We will never be able to thank y'all enough!!! I wish I could hug each one of you!! Just know every act of kindness shown to us is appreciated more than you can ever know!!!!!! We love you all!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11 p.m. on April 3:
Tracy is out of OR from having EVD drainage cath replaced and it was a success with no bleed!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!! This is the 7th one. We are praying the next step will be the shunt next week! Just have to wait on infection to completely clear out first!
Thank you to everyone who has been diligently praying all day!!! It's been a long day for us waiting on the replacement to take place. I am fixin to head to motel to get some sleep. I stayed in the ICU last night so a good hot bath will feel good!!
Father God, You have moved again and showed Your mighty work!!!! Our hearts are forever grateful and thankful for Your miracles and blessings!!! ALL praise, glory and honor belongs to You!!!
Father, keep us through this night and if You tarry Your coming we will rise in the morning with thanksgiving in our hearts!!!
I love You Poppa!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:30 a.m. on April 3:
Tracy's infectious disease Dr came and said he does not have Staph RS, but what he had the last time, gram negative cocci. He said it could take from a week up to 3 weeks to get totally rid of the infection. So, Dr. Ulm will proceed with replacing the EVD drain this afternoon. The shunt will be done when ALL the infection is gone, however long that takes. So, we could be looking at anywhere from a week to 3 weeks.
Praise The Lord it's not Staph!!!!!
I will update again when they start to do the EVD replacement surgery this afternoon.
Update from Libbi at 8:30 a.m. on April 3:
Tracy has Staph RS infection on the brain and it has grown since yesterday. So, they will be changing the EVD drain cath again probably mid morning. They will be putting him on two more antibiotics and pray they work! Then if the infection is gone by Monday they will do the shunt Monday.Dr. Darice said there's a tiny little clot right around the end of the cath that is keeping this EVD from working! They were very upset to see that the infection has grown since yesterday! She said Dr Ulm has really done his best to make the insertion of the EVD as sterile as he possibly can. But, she and I both agreed God has a plan that we just can't see!
I haven't gotten several messages and emails from people who are concerned that I may be giving up on this fight. Let me remind you all, I am NOT a quitter, but a fighter!!!!! Until the last breath is drawn, I fight!!!! That's not to say that I don't get frustrated because I do! I'm human!!!! God has been very faithful to give me strength for the past 72 days!!! Yes, I am tired physically and mentally but that's normal!!! By God's grace and strength, we fight on!!!! Even Moses had to have Aaron his brother to hold his arms up for him!!!! I am forever grateful for everyone who has prayed a prayer and fasted!!! I pray you will continue on with me!!!!
I am gonna also ask that Tracy receive no visitors between now and Monday. Gonna try to keep as many germs down as possible. Even immediate family members I am asking for no physical contact!
Prayer Need Today:
For Dr. Ulm has he performs this 7th procedure! That he will trace God's hands!!
For the other medical staff who will be in the OR assisting.
For NO BLEEDS!!!! NO ISSUES before, during or after!!!
For God to kill this infection once and for all!!!!!
Dear Lord, I know You have a plan in this situation!! I can't see it, but I don't have too!! All I'm required to do is trust You and that I am doing!!! Give me an extra boost of strength and grace to carry on with this fight!!! I am thankful for everything You have done and You are doing in this matter!!! I do not won't to get in Your way!
I love You Lord more than ever!!!
Update from Libbi at 6:30 p.m. on April 2:
Today has been an interesting day to say the least.
The EVD drain has not worked all day. However, Tracy has been alert and been on trach collar all day and follows commands.
Here's the plan for the next 24 hrs:
They will be doing a new CT scan sometime tonight. If Tracy stays awake and responsive then they will consult the infectious disease dr in the morning to see where the infection is at in the brain. If it has cleared out, then they will proceed with putting the permanent shunt in. If the infection is still there then they will replace the EVD drainage cath again in the morning. If by chance Tracy were to become unresponsive through the night they will go ahead and replace the drain.
I will try to update as soon as we know what is gonna happen.
All prayers appreciated!!! Tracy is in God's hands and it's God's will not mine. None of this has taken God by surprise!
Go GOD Go!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:30 p.m. on April 1:
Tracy has had another quiet day. He was able to stay on the tracy collar for 10 hrs. today! That is really good, but really wore him out. He seemed to be ignoring me when I would talk to him. I think this is normal. Probably upset with me because I worked him out twice today! :0) We really don't have any idea what he's thinking or if he understands what all is going on. We just have to wait to see.
Dr. Darice drew fluid from the drainage cath tube this morning to send off to see if the infection has cleared up. The preliminary report shows good, but we will have to wait til about Wednesday or Thursday to get the final report before deciding on the day to do the shunt. Dr. Ulm said, this afternoon that he was gonna use every precautionary device he could use when putting the shunt in. He really wants us to pray for the procedure and for him! Please, be praying for him and the team that will be performing this surgery probably the end of the week.
Gonna head to bed. Please continue to pray for us daily. Sometimes our mind and body gets a little tired. God's grace is always sufficient during these times.
God bless each of you richly and I pray you wrap your arms around your loved ones and love them and never take them for granite. Good night!
Lord, thank You for another day! I pray that if tomorrow comes You will give us enough grace to make it through!! Forever grateful for all Your blessings!!! I love You Sweet Jesus!!!!
Update from Libbi at 5:15 p.m. on March 31:
Hey Everybody!! Thought I would go ahead and do a update now while nothing is going on.
It's been a good day. Things are quiet and that's a good thing. The weekends are usually really quiet with no visitors other than immediate family.
I came in this morning, shaved Tracy's face. We then watched Brooklyn Tabernacle webcast. Love the choir and Bro. Jim Cymbala's preaching!!! After that the nurse gave him a bath and then I worked him on his therapy. Nope, can't let him off because it's a holiday! ;0) Can't let the arms, hands and legs get stiff! He's been trying to go to sleep, but I think he's afraid he's gonna miss something!
He's back on the trach collar again. They tried this morning, but he was too tired to keep his numbers down. So they took it off. They put him back on about 2:40pm and he's doing great so far. If he shows signs of wearing out they will put him back on the CPap for a while. I let him watch a little bit of the March Madness and in the middle he went to sleep for a little bit. He loves sports! May let him watch TV some more this evening if he's a wake.
The neuro Dr will be drawing fluid from the drainage cath in the morning to see if the infection on the brain is gone. He said they may do shunt toward the end of the week.
I pray you all have had a very blessed Easter!!!! Even tho it's been dreary outside, God's light is shining bright on the inside!!
Thank You God for Your everlasting love, mercy and grace You bestow upon us each day!!! You have seen us through 69 days of ups and downs, and Your hand has never left us!!!! Thank You for salvation and a home eternal that we will one day live in with You!!!!! Thank You for every blessing and trial!! I sure love You Father!!!!
Happy Resurrection Day!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:45 p.m. on March 30:
Another good day for Tracy! Kinda quiet, but good. He was awake all day until about 7:30 pm then he went to sleep for a couple of hours. We were praying over him and had just finished and was fixing to come back to the motel and he woke up. So I stayed with him until about 10:45 pm. I turned the tv on to a Easter Story on the History channel before I left.
All of his vitals were great today. Today was the second day of the trach collar trials and he did 5 1/2 hrs each day which is good. We are praying that he will do so good that they will take the trach out so he can talk!!! Believing in Jesus' Name!
I told him tonight that I was expecting the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead, to raise him up off that bed a healed man!!! NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR MY GOD AND NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!
Need to be in bed, but watching the last part of Passion of the Christ on tv. I feel so ashamed of myself when I think about the pain and suffering that Jesus went through on crucifixion day just so I could have life and have it ever lasting and then I sometimes complain when I have to face trials and heartaches or if I don't get my way!!!! Father, forgive me for every sin in my life! Thank You for loving this ole sinner enough to give Your life so I could have life everlasting!!!! Thank You is NOT enough for all You have given me in my life!!!!! Help me to stand true to Your name!!!! Give me grace to get through each day!!! I love You sweet Jesus!!!!!!!!!!
REV. 1:8
Update from Libbi at 11:30 p.m. on March 29:
Tracy has had a great day. He was awake just about all day. He might have slept an hour all day! His nurse sweet Ms Kay let the bed down enough that I could lean over and kiss him. We held hands a lot, I kissed him a lot and he would kiss me back. Tonight he played with my hair and rubbed my face! Woohoo!!! Made me feel good!!!
His ICP tonight was between 4 & 8!! There's not a lot of fluid draining, so who knows he may not have to have the shunt after all!!
He had some old friends to come from Alabama to see him today, Dale Higgins and Judy Elliott. He seemed happy to see them. Thank you Dale for supper tonight!! Was great seeing y'all and the fellowship was fun!!!
My heart is soooo full of thanks to God for everything He has done!!!!!! Can't hardly contain myself to see what else God has planned!!!! I love You God!!!!!
Well, gonna try going to sleep. Hope it's better tonight than last night.
Saints keep praying and fasting!!! I am so very honored that soooo many of y'all are standing with us through this til we find out more about the shunt!!!!
Good night!!!
Update from Libbi at 10 a.m. on March 29:
Tracy had a great night! All his numbers and vitals stayed normal. He was wide awake when I came in at 8am this morning! He even gave a smile until I started working him out!!! Then he gave me his mad look! ;0) Oh well, it's called tough love! LOL He paid me back by pushing back and working against me. I kept telling him he needed to remember his football days in high school when he would do leg presses, push, push, push!!!! Then I quoted his Coach's favorite line....STUFFLE GET UP, YOU'RE KILLING THE GRASS!!!! I know, I know I'm being tough on him, but I have to get some fight in him!!!!
Dr. Darice Spackman came in and was still thrilled with the way things went yesterday! She said we would wait a few days and try clamping the drain again to see if he's gonna need the permanent shunt or not. She said sometimes when the infection is gone, you can try again and sometimes they won't need the shunt. She said that's what she's praying for!!
I pray everyone will pause and think about today and what it stands for!!! This weekend stands for a weekend of miracles!!! If you knew HIM like I know HIM!!!! He was beaten, crucified, buried and ROSE on the 3rd day all because HE loved us!!! Do you love HIM that much that you would lay your life down for HIM??? If you don't know Him, just ask Him to come into your heart to live and forgive you of all your sins!
My Sweet Jesus thank You for Your love, that You laid down Your life for someone so unworthy as me!!! Thank You that You didn't stay in the grave, but You got up in victory!!!!! Because of that, I can walk in victory through You and with You!!!!!
I love You precious Jesus!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 10:45 p.m. on March 28:
Tracy has rested well all evening. All his vitals were normal when I left the hospital a little bit ago. His ICP pressure was 8. The EVD was draining clear like it should! He was sleeping soundly tonight so I decided to come to the motel room early to get some extra sleep! I've already warned my sister and mom that I will probably snore tonight!!! ;0)
Someone asked me earlier if i had broken my fast and the answer is no!!! we still have the shunt to go yet. They are looking at Monday for that, but will know more in a couple of days.
I will update again in the morning. Heading to sleep town!!!
Thank You a million times a million Heavenly Father for Your wonderful miracle today!!!!!!!! My heart is sooooo full of praise and glory to You!!!!!!! I will never ever be able to thank You enough for all You've done!!! You have been faithful and true!!!!! I love You Abba Father!!!!
Update from Libbi at 12:30 p.m. on March 28:
Praise God, praise God!!!!!!! It went great!!!!! NO bleed!!!!! And it's draining clear fluid!!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!!!!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:45 p.m. on March 27:
Tracy's had a pretty good day. Just kinda let him rest to prepare for tomorrow ((Thursday) for EVD drainage cath to be removed and a new one inserted again due to infection. Praying, believing and trusting God and His will.
Tracy was running a bit of a fever when I left tonight and his blood pressure was a bit elevated. I'm thinking he may realize what is gonna take place tomorrow. I'm praying God calms him and gives him peace if he does realize what is going on.
I will update as soon as I know when they will be taking him to the OR to perform the procedure. This will be the 6th EVD to be put in.
Please pray for an excellent report and no issues before, during or afterwards and NO bleeds!!
Father God, Tracy is in Your hands! He is Your child and You made him! Thy will be done. You know my hearts desire for Tracy! Please see my heart!!!! Let Dr Ulm trace Your hands. Guide him dear God in the way he should go!
Thank You God for all You've done and what You are gonna do in this situation!!!
I love You!!!
Update from Libbi at 8:30 a.m. on March 27:
Just talked to Dr Darice, one of Tracy's neurologist and she is happy with Tracy's progress. She said they will be changing out the EVD drainage cath tomorrow around 12:00 pm central time because of bacteria being stuck to it. They will be inserting a new one. Then on Monday they will be putting in the permanent shunt. Dr. Darice said, we need a lot of prayer covering tonight and tomorrow!!! So, prayer warriors let's bombard the throne room!!! Our prayer is gonna be an excellent report and procedure with NO complications and NO BLEEDS in the Sweet Name of Jesus!!!!!
Will update again this evening.
Go GOD Go!!!!!!!
Matt 6:8
Update from Libbi at 10:30 p.m. on March 26:
Today has been a quiet day, which can be a good thing! Tracy's fever is down to 99. We are in a holding pattern waiting for the bacteria to be killed totally by the hand of God and antibiotics!!! I'm still trusting and believing God's promise!! Just gotta wait til it's His time to move ahead!!
I played ball with Tracy this morning with his cloth UT football. I throw it softly and he catches it with his left hand. We haven't played this since before this last episode. So we are almost back where we left off at! Hallelujah!!!!! Tomorrow I may try working with him on the dry eraser board drawing circles and stuff. Just trying to stimulate the brain a little.
The goatee is back!!!! :0) woohoo!!! I think all the nurses are afraid to shave him now. LOL!! Nick Trammell and Jessica Trammell came by tonight and Nick said, Ahhh the goatee is back!!! I said, yep! Tracy's the hottest & sexiest man in the whole ICU!!!!! ;0)
This has been a week of our kids coming to visit!! Nicole Watts Jenkins, Nick Trammell and Mike Bowling! Also, April April Potter Holleman, Kasey Embry Inman, Shelby Fox Haun, Wayne Haun, Norman Holland. We love y'all!!
Sweet Sovereign God, thank You for Day 64 of this journey! Not one time have You left us alone!! For some reason You have entrusted us with this trial. Please help us to stay faithful to Your Word and to You! We have tried to stand and uplift Your Name and proclaim Your love, grace and mercy! We praise Your Holy Name! I love You Father!!
Update from Libbi at 11:45 p.m. on March 25:
Just in from hospital. Tracy was resting good so I left a little early tonight. He's had a good day. His fever has stayed between 99 & 100.
He has smiled, gave kisses and stuck his tongue out.
Infectious disease Dr Carr came in and expressed concerns that the bacteria that was on the brain is a sticky kind like before. Meaning that it will stick to the catheter in the brain like before and the antibiotics will only be able to absorb so much. In order to put the shunt in, the brain has to be totally bacteria free. So he's hoping this time that the antibiotics will absorb and kill all of the bacteria!! If not, the EVD that is in now would have to come out and another put in until infection is gone. Which brings us back to why they don't won't this to happen, because the brain has been so fragile and bleeds each time!
***Here's where we need to pray specifically that this infection will be totally absorbed by the antibiotics and it will kill it all!!!!***
Blood pressure, heart rate and ICP has been great all day!! Praise be to God!!!!!
I will give more updates as they happen.
Gonna hit the sack early! Praise God tonight for everything you have, especially your family!!! They may not all be perfect, but love'em with all you have!!!!
Thank You God, Thank You God, Thank You God!!!!! You have been so good to me and my family!!! Your grace is ever present in our lives!!!!! I love You sweet Father!!!!
Update from Libbi at 2:30 p.m. on March 25:
Tracy's had a good morning. Been awake all day. Just went to sleep. I did his morning workout on him. Read bible scriptures to him. Anointed him and prayed over him. Then we listened to Pastor Tim Dilena from Brooklyn Tabernacle on podcast. The message was exactly what we needed to hear !!!!! I just about started shouting in this ICU room!!!!! I was crying and raising my hands just giving God all praise!!!! The title of the message was: What to pray in your toughest times!!!!! Oh my word.......as Granny used to say, it was gun barrel straight right to my heart!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE take time to go listen to this sermon!!!! www.brooklyntabernacle.org and look under podcast sermons!!!!! It's sooooo worth taking the time to listen to it, especially if you are going through a tough time and even If you're not, you will sooner or later and this sermon can help you!!!!! Please listen to it!!!!
Dr Darice came in and said Tracy would have to be getting the permanent shunt put in. They will have to wait til the fever and infection is totally gone. So, it could be end of the week or first of next week before this is done. I will let you know when they decide the day.
Specific prayer:
For removal of EVD - NO issues or bleeds!!!
Surgery to put shunt in the brain. NO issues and NO bleeds!!!
Cover Dr Ulm in full prayer!!
Well, gonna grab a nap while he's sleeping!
We love you all so much and soooo grateful for your prayers, love and support!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:55 p.m. on March 24:
Tracy had a pretty good day today. His fever stayed between 99 and 100. He's on a very high powered antibiotics for the infection from the brain. Infection is probably coming from drainage cath. It's been in 4 weeks. Everything is on hold with clamping the drain until fever and infection is gone.
I will be continuing on with the fast until decision is made on the removal of the EVD. If you want to continue on with me I would be very humbled and honored to have you a part!!! I'm not giving up this fight!!! I'm not allowing the devil to have once ounce of glory in this situation!!!
Blood pressure and heart rate were pretty close to normal today!
ICP is still set at 15 on scale and running around 8 to 10.
I will update more tomorrow! It will be a NEW day, with NEW mercies and NEW miracles!!!! I look forward to seeing God work!!!!
Thank You precious Jesus for another great day of life!!! No the circumstances are not what I would have chosen, but it's Your will and not mine!!! Tracy is Your child and he's in Your precious hands!!! Lord, You are my helper!!! You ARE the lifter of my head!!!! You ARE my provider and healer!!!! In You I will trust!!!! I praise Your Holy name!!!! I love You Jesus!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 9:30 a.m. on March 24:
Tracy has gram-positive-cocci. Which is a bacterial infection again in the fluid coming from drain fluid from brain.
Please pray!!! They have him on a high powered antibiotic to treat it. Will update later when Dr Mericle comes in.
In NO way are we giving up this fight!!!!! Pressing on and giving this bump in the road to God to do His thing!!!! NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR GOD!!!!!
It's Palm Sunday!!!!
Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. (John 12:13 KJV)
Update from Libbi at 2:40 p.m. on March 23:
The neuro Dr had to open the drainage cath back up. Tracy's ICP starting rocking between 16 & 28. He went non responsive the last 45 mins before they opened it back up to drain off fluid. Dr Mericle dropped EVD back down to 15 from 20. He said with Tracy having a fever and vitals being high that he didn't won't too much stuff going on at one time. About 15 mins of opening drain back up Tracy woke back up. They will raise the drain back to 20 tomorrow and try clamping it off again also.
Tracy still has a fever. He's thrown up about 3 or 4 times. Not a great whole lot, but more than what we want him to. Chest X-ray showed signs of improvement this morning. Doing blood work to see where the fever is coming from.
Needless to say its been a busy morning & afternoon to say the least!
Still trusting God to do the miraculous!!!!!!!!!!! In Jesus' Name!!!! Amen!!!!
Update from Libbi at 9 a.m on March 23:
ICP looks good being clamped. They clamped it at 7am.
He has fever.
Blood pressure is high.
Heart rate is bouncing between 99 & 106.
Doing a chest X-ray now.
Will update again in a little while!
Pray saints!!!!! I'm NOT giving the devil one little inch!!!! He's bound and I rebuke his ole ugly stinking head in the name of JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 2:30 p.m. on March 22:
God is sooo good!! Tracy has been tolerating the EVD scale being set at 20! Just had another CT scan and the ventricles showed no sign of swelling!! Dr Darice Sparkman Dr Ulm's PA was thrilled with the results of CT scan and Tracy's progress on the EVD. They are gonna let him rest today and then start in the morning clamping the drain. They will watch it when they do this and if the ICP pressure goes over 20 for two minutes they will open the drain back up. They will do this all through the day to see what happens. We will know more tomorrow night kinda what will happen on Monday.
Tracy has done great on trach collar. They will be leaving him on it for as long as he can tolerate it. They are pleased with his progress on this too!!
He's also flushed a lot of fluid out of his body too!! Praise The Lord!!!
I was disappointed and shocked when I walked into Tracy's room this morning to find his goatee was GONE!!!!! The nurse was standing there and I said, where's his goatee??? She said, oh he had a goatee??? I said, Yes!! She said, well I guess I shaved it! Oh well I guess it will grow back. :0(
I made the mistake of putting the wrong scripture yesterday for the fasting. It should be 2 Chronicles 20: 1-25. I get my numbers mixed up. :0/
Everybody please keep praying, believing and praising!! Go GOD Go!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 12:10 a.m. on March 22:
Just got back to the hotel room from the hospital. Tracy has done incredible today!!
The scale on the EVD is still set at 20!!! So far so good!! ICP cranial pressure is staying between 8 - 13. Keep the prayers coming that this will be successful! Praise The Lord!!!
He was still on the trach collar when I left, so that means he's been on for 12 hours! They decided to let him stay on as long as he could tolerate it. But, they were fixin to take him off to let him rest through the night. He was only suppose to be on for a couple hours today! Can we say MIRACLE!? My prayer is he does so great that he will come off the trach all together before he leaves the hospital!! They said today that had not happened with someone in Tracy's condition. Well, I am praying God shows them HE can make the impossible possible!!!! In Jesus' Name!!
Tonight he was awake from the time I got back to the hospital at 8 til I left at 11:15pm! I talked a lot and he listened, well sometimes he listened other times I think he was tuning me out! :0) He have me several kisses. JK came in and before he left he gave JK a kiss on the cheeks. Debra my sister tried to get him to kiss her and he wouldn't do it! :0) He still has his since of humor even if he can't talk.
Praying today (Friday) has even more miracles in store!!! Nothing, nothing, nothing is too hard for my God!!!! Go GOD Go!!!!!!!
Jesus, You are so wonderful and worthy of every lick of our praise!!! We worship Your name above all other names!!!! God, I love You and thank You for every single miracle and blessing that You see fit to store upon us!!!! In Jesus' Name! Amen!
Update from Libbi at 3:45 p.m. on March 21:
Tracy was able to tolerate moving the scale to 15 on the EVD drainage cath. Dr Ulm came in about an hour ago and moved the scale to 20! So far so good. His ICP is rocking between 8 and 11. This is a good challenge. If he tolerates the scale at 20 for a bit, they will then clamp the drain to see what happens then. If that goes well, that means no shunt!
They also put him back on trach collar @ 11:30am this morning and it still on it!! They are gonna try to see if he can make it til 9pm tonight. If so, they will remove it and put him back on CPap for the night to let him rest. Then put him back on it in the morning.
Dr Ulm is very encouraged with his progress the past couple days. I did tell Dr Ulm that we were praying and fasting for this situation and we had people everywhere that were standing with us doing it also. He said he was also praying too!
Keep the prayers coming!!!! To God be the glory for the progress today!!!!!
Don't forget to read 1 Chronicles 20:1-25
Update from Libbi at 10 p.m. on March 20:
Happy Birthday Tracy!!! We were able to bring some balloons in his ICU room today for his birthday. He had several visitors stop by to see him. Dr Phil Hoskins and his daughter McKenzie Hoskins. He actually kissed Mac on the cheek twice! Phil tried to get him to kiss him on the cheek and Tracy wouldn't!! :0) Clarke Beasley, Jeff O'Neal, Mary Copeland-Ted Campbell, Carol & Ronald Duett and Levi Bowman. Thanks y'all for loving my Sweet T!!
Tracy was put on the trach collar last night for a couple of hours and today for 3 1/2 hrs! They will be putting him back on sometime during the night tonight for a couple more hours! This is progress!! Praise The Lord!!!
CT scan was good! Dr Ulm moved the EVD scale up to 15 this afternoon to challenge it. So far so good. ICP pressure is between 8-13. Probably stay at 15 for a day or so.
Here's where we are: I announced last night at the benefit concert that I'm calling for a fast from tomorrow (Thurs) til Monday morning. You can fast whatever you feel is a strong hold in your life, food, meat, sugar, Internet, texting, FB, a meal a day, during certain hours. Here's why I'm calling for a fast. Dr Ulm is giving the EVD challenge until Monday morning. This challenge will decide if Tracy will need a permanent shunt placed in the brain or not. Dr Ulm is a little frightened about 1. Removing the drain. 2. If he has to have a shunt, because of the past of inserting or removing the drain striking a bleed. He said it's like you touch his brain it wants to bleed. I have called this fast to pray for 1. God to touch and heal Tracy's brain from bleeding. 2. For this EVD challenge to be successful. 3. When the drain is removed, it will come out with NO issues or bleeds! 4. If he has to have the shunt that the brain will NOT bleed, but everything will go perfect! That Dr Ulm will trace God's hands!
I am asking for everyone who will to join us me in this fast! Rejoice and praise God for miracles He's already performed thus far and the ones still yet to come!!! If you want a great encouraging read on fasting and praying results, please read 2 Chronicles 20! This is one of my all time favorite bible readings!!! This is the victory I am expecting!!!!
Thank you to every group that donated their time to come and show their love to Tracy at the Tracy Stuffle Benefit last night!!!!! How can we ever thank you all? It was such an incredible night!! 10 people accepted Christ as their Savior!!!!!! And about 25 renewed their relationship with The Lord!!! Sooooo awesome!!!! To God be the glory!!!!!!!! The Holy Spirit was wall to wall!!! Tracy would have been sooooo thrilled!!! Thanks to everyone who attended! The church was packed!!! Thank you Joseph Habedank for doing this!!!! Our hearts are humbled!!!! I can't wait for Tracy to see the DVD of it that will be made just for him.
Thank You Sweet Jesus for allowing us to celebrate Tracy's birthday today!!!! That was a miracle!!! Thank You for ALL things You have done and gonna do!!! God give us grace the next 5 days! We BELIEVE!!!!
In Jesus' Name! Amen!
Update from Libbi at 2:30 a.m. on March 20:
Just got to hotel room from hospital. Stayed for the entire benefit concert for Tracy tonight. What an incredible night!!! About 10 people accepted Jesus into their hearts and about 25 re-dedicated their hearts to Jesus!!!! To God be all the glory!!!!!
I went back by hospital on the way back from concert for a couple of hours. Tracy was awake and I told him all about the concert!! I just wish he could talk! Praying they will be able to take trach out soon!!! He also kissed me twice before I left!!!! Praise God!!
I promise I will write more tomorrow about concert. I am sooo tired! Gotta be a hospital by 8 am. Tracy will be having a CT scan done and then they will start clamping the drainage cath a little at a time to see how he tolerates it. Please pray his brain will tolerate the clamping totally!! I will explain more tomorrow about a fast I am calling for from Thursday to Monday morning, and about shunt.
Thank You God for a incredible night with family and friends!!!!!! I sure do love You Jesus!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 10 p.m. on March 18:
Tracy has done great today. He's been awake a little more and looking around the room. I have been shaving his face every day with his electric razor and he has a goatee!! ;0) That's what happens when your wife gets to shave you!! Any ways, he's been rolling his lower lip in his mouth feeling the hair on his lower lip like I've seen him do sooo many times before when he wore a goatee! Good to see this!!
He's probably not too happy with me today, because I have given him therapy 3 times today!! He doesn't seem to mind too much til I start stretching his legs and working them out. He makes faces most of the time! I guess I better tell him about a thing called "tough love" :0)
Tracy had several friends to drop by today for quick visits, one being Mark Lowry! He actually turned his head a little bit to see Mark. Then there was Norman Holland who has been sooo good to come and check on us two or three times a week! Most time he's bringing food!! Also, Mary Copeland-Ted Campbell came and took me to supper at Jason's Deli! Plus she made homemade cream cheese pound cake! :) Jeff O'Neal came by and brought a basket full of goodies! Thank God for friends!!!
That's about it for today! Don't forget the Tracy Stuffle Benefit tomorrow night (Tuesday @ 6pm cst) will be live streamed and aired on Solidgospel.com. More info go to www.tracystufflebenefit.com
Lord we bless Your name!!! You are worthy to be praised for great things you have done!!! I love You!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:30 p.m. on March 17:
Tracy had another good day! Kinda quiet, but good.
Fluid has went down a lot and he's starting to look like himself again. Still has some, but nothing like what he did have.
His ICP cranial pressure stayed between 5 & 7 all day!! Drainage is continuing getting clearer!! Neuro Dr said this morning that we didn't have to worry about pressure in the brain with readings like those numbers were. Go GOD Go!!!!
Blood pressure and heart rate were pretty close to normal just about all day.
Tracy sleeps more on the mornings than he does in the evenings. I talked to him a lot tonight and even skyped JK and let JK talk to him. His eyes are still trying to adjust but he's looking around a lot more.
He's still on the CPAP breathing!!! May transfer over to trach collar this week. I would love for him to be totally off the trach altogether!!! I miss his voice!!!
Specific things to pray for:
- Tracy's brain to handle the drainage cath being clamped this week without any problems.
- When drain is ready to be removed that there will NOT be any bleeds but will come out with NO problems!!!
- If a shunt has to be put in that there will be NO issues with bleeds. These are all important!!
- That he will soon be off trach altogether!!
- Healing 100% mental, physical, vision and talking capacity!!
Lord, You are the lifter of our heads!!!!!! You made these bodies, and You can fix them!!! We THANK You for Your healing touch on Tracy!!!!!! Please Lord keep Your miracles coming!!! We will praise Your name for it all!!!!!! I love You!!!!
Update from Libbi at 10 p.m. on March 16:
It's been so beautiful in Nashville the past couple of days! Weather has been great!
Tracy has been doing good. He's slowly waking up more and more every day. He's trying to squeeze our hands. He still has a lot if swelling in his hands so it's a little difficult for him to bend his fingers, but bless his heart he tries! His eyes are starting to align back to normal. Dr said this was normal for someone who has been sedated so long.
I started back this evening playing music again for him. I was playing the Cathedrals tonight and George came on singing "This Ole House" and I said, is that ole George? He just smiled!
Dr this morning said they would probably start Wednesday upping the scale on his EVD to see how the cranial pressure reacted. Upping the scale means that they will be clamping off the drainage tube into the brain. If this is successful then this will put him closer to having EVD removed. And possibly no shunt. Please pray specifically for this to be successful.
He still has a fair amount of fluid still that needs to come off. They are continuing to give him lasiks to help with this.
They've upped his blood pressure Meds to keep his BP in a safe range. Seems to be working.
He is on CPap again. If he continues to do good on this he will graduate back to the trach collar in a day or so.
Well, I think I have covered about all their is to cover tonight. I pray that each one of you will have a very blessed Lord's day tomorrow (Sunday)! Hung your family and tell them you love them!!!
God we are forever grateful for Your everlasting love, grace, mercies and miracles!!! Thank You for keeping us in Your sheltering arms for the past 54 days!! We look forward to even more miracles to come!!!
Thank You for salvation and giving your only begotten Son so we can have eternal life with You in heaven!!!
I love You!!!
Update from Libbi at 10 a.m. on March 15:
Tracy has got movement on both sides of his body this morning!!! I came in this morning and his right leg was moving back and forth. The right side before this last episode two weeks ago had no movement! Since he's off the sedation the nurses are allowing me to work his arms, hands, legs and feet out several times during the day. I was working with his right hand this morning and it was moving. So I ask him to squeeze my hand and he tried. His fingers and hand still has a lot of swelling in them which makes it hard to squeeze too much. Then I ask him to push down on my hand with his right hand and he did!! Praise The Lord!!!! Whoop, whoop!!!! Go GOD GO!!!!! Dr. Darice on of his neuro drs came in and she was soooo excited!!! She said, Tracy you are gonna pull through this!! We just have to pray for no more bleeds, in the name of Jesus!!!!
Makes me want to run through this whole hospital shouting, PRAISE the LORD!!!!
Saints keep praying!!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 9 p.m. on March 14:
I know I haven't posted anything since yesterday morning. My bad!! Was going to last night when I got back to the motel room, but fell asleep. I will try to do better! ;)
Tracy has had a great 36 hrs. No big issues other than his blood pressure and heart rate being elevated from time to time. But, it's being controlled with Meds.
The fluid is continuing to flush out of the body by help of lasiks. He still has a bit to go before it's all flushed.
The bowels are continuing to work as normal!
The ICP cranial pressure has been good, from 5 to 11. The fluid from the brain is continuing to clear up. It's now a light brownish yellow color. That means its almost clear!!! And, it's slowed down, so that could mean no shunt!! Please pray specifically about this!
He's opening his eyes more, but still has a dazed look. Dr. Darice says it will take several more days before he's wide awake. He's been off ALL sedation since Wednesday at 4pm and know it will take time to get out of his body. So we will gladly wait! Matthew Holt came by last night before leaving out on Gaither bus to see Tracy and he got a smile from Tracy plus he opened his eyes for him!!! I guess he thinks he's special now! :0)
He's beginning to move his left side a little more. We have seen and felt movement in the right side also. Not as much as left side, but it's more than before this last episode two and a half weeks ago!
Next Wednesday, March 20th will be Tracy's 47th birthday if anyone wants to send him a card.
Send to:
Tracy Stuffle
1774 Shagbark Way
Gallatin, TN 37066
Also: We've had several people who have ask if they can send love gifts/donations to the hospital toward the hospital expense and yes you can. You can contact Janice Holloman at 615-284-5281 at the hospital and she will give you details of how you can do this. We deeply appreciate every love gift and donation that has come in! We pray God will richly bless you all!!!!
Thank you once again to everyone who have brought or sent gift baskets, food, gift cards (even Krispy Kreme - Clarke Beasley ;0) ), books, blankets, prayer cloths (he has 14 pinned to his pillow & nurses are adamant about keeping them on there!), cards, hotel rooms, love gifts and PRAYERS!!! I could never, ever, ever thank you enough for all of them!!!!! My heart swells to think you care enough to take time out of your busy day to think of us!!
Most of all, I could never, ever, ever, ever and ever again thank GOD for ALL HE has done throughout this whole journey!!!!! He's given soooo much grace, mercy, strength, provision and peace daily!!!!!!!! He's given us soooo many miracles big and small we can't count them all!!!!!!! My heart is filled with praise, glory and honor to Him!!!!! Looking forward to seeing more miracles daily!!! Thank You Sweet Heavenly Father for ALL things big and small!!!! I love You!
1 Chr 16:8-36
Update from Libbi at 9:15 a.m. on March 13:
Tracy had a good night. Came in his room this morning and he had his eyes opened. The nurse was talking to him. You can tell he's still pretty sleepy, but he's trying to wake up. The Drs have taken him off of another sedation medicine this morning, so the only one he's on is Fentanyl and it's been reduced also.
He has lost 20 lbs since last Sunday from fluid flushing out of the body! He's 25 lbs away from what he weighed when he came in on Jan 21. So that's how much more fluid he has to drain off.
His blood pressure and heart rate are both down some this morning.
The fluid draining from the brain is a lot clearer this morning. His ICP numbers are still good!
We have soooo much to be thankful for!!!!! God is working, working, working!!!!!!
Lord, I thank You for who You are!!!! Thank You Sweet Jesus for loving us so much that You gave Yourself for us and our sins!!! Thank You for saving me 40 yrs ago!!! Thank You for sustaining us 51 days!!! Thank You for Your miracles and mercies!!! I love You!!
Update from Libbi at 10:30 p.m. on March 12:
Tracy has had a good day!! Been kinda quiet which is a good thing. Trying to let him rest and not make a lot noise while he's coming off the sedation. His blood pressure and heart rate is up. But, Dr. Ulm told us to expect that with as long as he's been sedated, he's gonna have with drawals from the medicines. They are trying a different type of BP medicine to keep it. And it may be that he will have to be put on the cardene drip for a couple of days. Just keep praying about this in particular.
He has opened his eyes on his own a couple more times this evening. He's not fully awake. It may take him several more days to totally wake up. But, that's fine, we will anxiously wait for him!
The ICP pressure has been good throughout the day.
His bowels are still working!!
The fluid is still being flushed out of the body.
Been a great day full of miracles!!!! God's hand is at work in every area in this situation! We can never thank Him or praise Him enough for all he's done and all He's gonna do!!!!
Thank you a million times a million for praying and lifting Tracy up in prayer!!! That means the world to me!!!
Fixin to pray with him and then head to the motel room for some rest!!!
Update from Libbi at 9:15 a.m. on March 12:
Tracy just opened his eyes a little on his own!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!! He's on his way back!!!!!!!!!!!
I will try to be as proper about this as i can, but i don't know how else to say it........the bowels are loose this morning!!!!! I know it's probably not too becoming to get excited about that kind of movement, but Praise The Lord!!!!!
Swelling has gone down tremendously!!! Praise The Lord!!!
They have moved his scale on the EVD from 0 to 10! This is where we were at before this last incident two weeks ago!!! Another BIG Praise The Lord!!!!
They have cut the propofol sedation off and lightened up on the other two to half of what they were giving him! Wow!!!! I am sooo excited I can hardly contain myself!!!!!
Go GOD Go!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 12:30 a.m. on March 12:
This is what I wrote on our little chalk board in Tracy's room this morning when I got to the hospital at 8:20am this morning!! Praise God He is faithful!!
I had to go do an interview tonight with Solidgospel.com during my 6 to 8 break. I had waited all day for the doctor to come in the Tracy's results from the CT and MRI. I waited up til 6:05pm and he never came. I was disappointed when I left the room. We were almost to the elevators when we met Dr Ulm. He explained the excellent news to us. He said this latest thing that happened two weeks ago, showed NO sign of a stroke!! Praise The Lord!!!!!! They will start the weaning process from sedation in the morning (Tuesday). They will also up the scale on the EVD. The picture below is the EVD. That's what's being drained from the ventricles. The color is one step closer to being clear!!!
He said we may see some issues with blood pressure going up and heart rate due to the weaning process because he's been on the sedation Meds for so long. They will be able to control with Meds if this happens. But, I am praying for God to touch both BP and HR and also the ICP pressure to keep them normal during this process of weaning. The bowels still have not moved on their own. They are trying other procedures to try to get them to move on their own.
The fluid is still moving out of the body. His arms, hands, face, feet and ankles are not near swollen as they were.
Speaking of Solidgospel.com the interview I did with them should air sometime tomorrow afternoon and Wednesday morning. They will let me know the time and I will let you know for sure when as soon as they do. You should be able to hear this on their website also. www.solidgospel.com
Thank y'all for praying!!!!!!!! I know I've said a hundred times but here's a hundred and one times!!!!!!! I'm forever grateful!!!!
Just stop right now and join me with rejoicing and praising His Holy name!!!!! Give Him thanks for moving in this situation!!!!! He's good, I mean really good!!!!!!!!!!!! He deserves ALL our praise, glory and honor!!!!!! Great things HE has done!!!!
Now, I am gonna try to go to sleep, but I'm pretty hyped up right now!!!!! Have a great night!!!!!
Thank You Sweet Jesus for YOUR report today!!!!!!!! We are blessed beyond measure!!!!!!!!! I love You Jesus!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 6:30 p.m. on March 11:
Hallelujah Praise the Lamb!!!!! Great results from test!!!! Over 80% of blood is OUT of the ventricles!!! So we start the process of weaning him off the sedation which will take about a week. He said main concern is the ICP pressure staying stable during this. Dr. Ulm was very pleased with results of the test!!! Shout Hallelujah to The Lord God Almighty!!!!!!!
Go GOD Go!!!!!!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:15 p.m. on March 10:
Today was a good day. Fluid has went down a lot. They pulled a gallon off of him in a 24 hr period of time yesterday. He still has more, but it's flushing out!! Praise The Lord!!! His ICP level today was more between 6 & 8. A couple times it hit 16 but came right back down. The blood in the drainage tube looks almost a clear brownish red color, which is a great sign the blood is clearing out!!! another Praise the Lord praise!!!!!
They cut back a little more on the sedation to try to get the bowels to work properly. He's on 3 different sedation medicines so between the 3 it's wrecked havoc on his bowels not working. Still no movement on his own. So they resorted to other methods.
His blood pressure and heart rate is still a little elevated to my liking. I've realized each nurse has their own level of what they think is high. So one will work on it hard to stay down and another will let it bump the line that irritates me. But, I have to tell myself I am not a nurse.......yet!!!!! But, after this I could be!!!
Don't forget to petition the throne on Tracy's behalf in the morning, for his CT scan and MRI! We are praying for excellent results!!! I will try to post an update before the do both test. We are just believing God for excellent results! Nothing is to hard for God!!!!!
I almost had me a little glory shout tonight. I was clipping Tracy's finger nails on his right hand (and yes to all you nurses out there, I know I am not suppose to) and I was moving his right hand a little so I could see his nails and his right armed moved on its own! Call it reflects if you want, but what I seen wasn't a reflex!!! Soooo, just hang on............. :0)
Well, I am gonna try to go to sleep! I will post more tomorrow !!
Jesus, Thank You for another day of no drama!! Lord, we pray if tomorrow comes that You will bless us with an excellent test results on both CT and MRI scans! I thank You for what You've already done and what You are gonna do!!!! Go GOD GO!!!! I love You Sweet Jesus!!! In Jesus Name, amen!
Update from Libbi at 11:15 p.m. on March 9:
Just left hospital. Not much change today. Been kinda quiet. Fluid is moving out. Blood pressure not as elevated as yesterday. Bowels are still not working properly. But, believing they will! ICP cranial pressure mainly stayed about 7 to 10, occasionally going up to 14.
Dr. Ulm came by this morning and said they would be doing a CT scan and a MRI both Monday. He seems to be pleased with where we're at at this time. Please pray specifically with me for the CT scan and MRI both to show great improvements and be normal!!! Nothing, no nothing is too big for God!!!!!
Also, continue to pray for his blood pressure to return to normal, bowels to be loosed and fluid to flush even more!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers!!!!!! Forever grateful!!
Thank You Sweet Jesus for day 47. You have kept us and shielded us another day!! Lord, we can never thank You or praise You enough for what and Who You are in our lives!!! You are our healer, redeemer, our strong tower, our refuge, our provider, Shekinah glory!!! I love You!!!!
Update from Libbi at 8:45 p.m on March 8:
Sitting here beside Tracy in his ICU room just thinking back over the past 46 days. It's hard to believe that we've been here that long. It's had it's ups and it's had it's downs. We have rejoiced and we have cried. God has been right here on the scene the whole time! Even tho there have been days that I could not see His hands at work, He was here! I have felt a peace in my heart that's very hard to explain. When fear starts trying to grip my heart, it's peace like a river that flows over me. God is my refuge!! A shelter from the strong winds and angry waves. Psalms 9:9
How do people who don't know The Lord get through times like this? I can't imagine and don't want to imagine. Maybe that's why the world turns to alcohol, drugs, sex and things of this world to escape it all. Tonight if you are one of these people who don't know Jesus Christ in the free pardon of sin and you've tried all the world has to offer, why not try Jesus?? Why not let Him carry all your burdens? That's why He took the cross upon His shoulders to Calvary, to save us and give us hope where there is no hope! To give us joy when there is no joy! To give us life where there is no life! Don't carry your burdens alone! He wants to carry them for you!! Ask Him to come into your heart to live forever!
Tracy has had a pretty good day. He's having some bowel issues from one of the sedation medicines. One side effect is it will cause your bowels to not work properly. They've had to stop his feeding tube for now. They have decreased that medicine as much as they can without him waking up. They are also giving him other stuff to try to move them.
He also still has a good amount of fluid in his body. They are trying to flush it out with lasiks. They have remove a lot but still needs more to be flushed out.
His blood pressure is still elevated some. It's from the sodium they are giving him to wash out the brain.
His kidneys are working good. The cranial pressure ICP has been good today with 7 a low and 14 a high.
If I may ask you, will you please join me in praying specifically for these issues to be cleared up and return to normal? The bowels to release, the fluid to flush out of body and the blood pressure to return to normal.
I know soooo many of y'all have prayed non-stop and I am forever grateful and will never be able to thank you enough!!
But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice; let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them; let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.
For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous ; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield. Psalm 5:11-12
Update from Libbi at 8:45 a.m. on March 8:
Happy Birthday to my Sweet Mom today!!!!! She's here with me this week with my sister Debra. She's a hoot!!! I love her sooo much!!!!
Gosh it's such a beautiful day outside, finally some sunshine!!!! I love sunshine and feeling the warmth it has!! But, more so I love my Sonshine!!! He gives the greatest warmth of all!!!
Dr. Darice just came in and is very pleased with where Tracy is at at this point and time. She said they will do a CT on Monday to see where we stand with the swelling in the brain and to see if there's any more bleeding. If CT scan shows good (and I am naming it "normal" ) then they will began reducing the sedation!! He will be given more LASIK today to remove more swelling and fluid! Jesus I am speaking to it to be healed in Your precious name!! Amen.
Give someone a hug and a smile today!! You never know what a person could be facing or going through!!
I am blessed and highly favored in Jesus name!!
Thank You God for waking us up this morning to such a beautiful day!!!! Thank You for sweet rest!!! I love You!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:30 p.m. on March 7:
Another pretty quiet day for Sweet T. Only issue we are having is his blood pressure being a little elevated. Other than that everything is pretty calm. His ICP cranial pressure was 6 when we left. It will rock between 6 and 12. So we are beginning to see daylight with his numbers.
He's got some fluid build up from not being mobile for 45 days. The Dr gave him LASIK again today and pulled of a lot of fluid with that, but not nearly enough.
The blood coming through the drainage cath is thinning and we are seeing more clear fluid than yesterday. We need it to be clear as water!
I forgot last night to thank the group Declaration for a great supper at IHOP!!! We love those guys and Tracy has always said, he sees himself in them when Tracy first started singing. They have a love and passion for the music.
Also, thanks to Ben Isaacs, Matthew Holt, Dustin Sweatman and Joseph Habedank for dropping by to check on us! They have been so good about making sure I am taken care of! Love these guys!!! Tracy loves you all!!
We have been ministered to today and we have in return ministered to others! It's amazing at how God will place people in your path to encourage and hold you up! I told someone today that I have caught my second wind!!! Go GOD Go!!!
Lord please don't let me get in Your way of the plan You have for Tracy and I. I am standing on Your promises while You do Your thing! We worship Your holy Name!!!! You made us and you can fix us and will heal!!!! I love you Sweet Jesus!!!!
Thank You for Your love, mercy and Grace!!!
Update from Libbi at 10:15 p.m. on March 6:
Another quiet day for Tracy. A quiet day is a good day. All his vitals have been good with exception of his blood pressure being elevated a little. ICP cranial pressure was 10 just a few minutes ago when they checked it. Praise The Lord!! All of his blood work results came back normal and good. Cultures were good with exception of sputum having a slight trace of bacteria. But it is being treated with antibiotics he was already on. Still has traces of what looks to be old blood in the drainage cath from brain. Preliminary results on the blood test to see if he free bleeds any where else in the body showed good. Know for sure tomorrow. Hematologian said looks like it's localized in the head area only.
Praise God that His hand is at work and He is worthy of all our praises!!!!!! Bless The Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name!!! Psalms 103:1
God we are sooo thankful that You are our Rock and our Strong Tower!!!! We love You and we praise, honor and worship You for who You are!!! Thankful for every trial, every heartache that we've had to endure!! You are faithful and true to never leaving us nor forsaking us! Thank You for all things.....the good, the bad and the ugly in our lives!!! Thank You for being the Lifter of my head!!!
I love You Abba Father!! Our healer and provider!!
Update from Libbi at 11:30 on March 5:
Tracy has had another rather quiet day. Blood pressure and ICP were a little elevated some throughout the day. ICP is still draining good. Dr. Ulm said it would take several more days to drain all the blood in the ventricles. We are seeing more clear fluid but then there will be traces of dark blood. It's a waiting game for it to completely clear out. They will be doing some test to check Tracy's body out to see if any other places is easy to bleed. Thinking they are wanting to know before talking about putting the shunt in. I guess they are wanting to find out if he's a free bleeder. Results should take two days. Still no word on blood work or cultures results. Temp has been 97 most of the day.
Thank you to Tony Gore for stopping by and taking me, my mom and sister to supper. Loved the fellowship and the bak-la-va!!!!
We end the night at the hospital reading scriptures, anointing him, praying and singing to him. Don't know if he can hear us or not, but we are acting as tho he can. This time is always special!
If you have time please read Psalms 118:17 and Psalms 30. These were some of the verses we read to him tonight! Be blessed!!!
Thank You Sweet Heavenly Father for day 43! If tomorrow comes and You tarry Your coming, please use us to shine Your light of love and to be an encouragement to someone that doesn't know You!!! We praise You Father for You miracles, love and grace You bestow upon us daily!!! In ALL things I want to give You thanks!!!! I love You!!
Update from Libbi at 12:20 p.m. on March 5:
It's been brought to my attention that on my updates that I have been putting February instead of March! Well, I do have an excuse.......I'm old, tired and have lost track of days! ;0) I will try to remember from here on out! LOL Oh, and I just seen where time goes forward an hour this weekend........I'm in trouble!! :0/
Tracy is doing good today. Looks like blood is clearing out and we have more clear fluid coming out of brain. So, we are on the right track! Thank You Jesus!!! We still have traces of blood but not as much as has been.
Keep prayin, while God keeps working!!!! Go GOD Go!!!!!
Remember to give thanks for everything in your life!!! That means the good, the bad and the ugly!!!!! In ALL things give thanks!!! 1 Thes 5:18
Update from Libbi at 11:30 a.m. on March 4:
Today was another quiet day for Tracy. All his vital signs stayed stable. The ICP cranial pressure was a little high for most part of the day, between 13 to 20. Not sure why it's been elevated. The EVD drainage cath is still doing its job. His electrolytes are a little high. That's caused from lasiks and sodium. They are trying to get those leveled out. He had a new CT scan and it was better than the last one done last week. We haven't gotten the results of the blood work and culture samples back yet, maybe tomorrow.
Dr. Ulm said he wanted to give him a couple more days and then try to slowly bring him out of sedation. As soon as blood clears we will talk about putting in a shunt.
Had a surprise visit from promoter Mike Michael Wheeler and his sweet wife Cara Wheeler today from Kankakee, IL. They brought a big ole bag of goodies!!! My favorite, peanut butter & jelly!!! Made my day!!! Thank y'all so much for EVERYTHING!!!!! Love y'all!
Then tonight Jeff Easter and Sheri Easter came by. It was great seeing them again! They have been by several times and I DO appreciate it!! Tracy loves Jeff like a brother!
Well, gotta a whole lot to thank and praise God for!!!!! Today was day 42 and we've seen miracles throughout the past 42 days! But, I am looking for even more!!!! Because I KNOW HE CAN!!!!! Thank You precious Jesus for the past 42 days of leaning on and trusting You with every detail!! We love You and praise Your Holy Name!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:45 p.m. on March 3:
Back at the motel tonight. Today has been rather quiet with not a lot of changes. Praise the Lord!!! I really don't like leaving him, but there's nothing I can do at this point while he's still in a coma. So, I am trying to get as much rest as possible. He's in God's hands and there's no better place to be than there. I know God is holding Tracy in His arms up against His chest!! I can only imagine how it must feel for him to hear the heart beat of God as He holds him close!!!
Going to bed now........praying for tomorrow (Monday) to be a new day, with new mercies and NEW MIRACLES!!!!! In JESUS' Name, Amen!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 5:45 p.m. on March 3:
Got back to the hospital about 3:15 pm today. Had a pretty good sleep. Needed it after the night we had last night.
All the vitals are still looking good. ICP is around 15 to 17. Would love to see it lower, but at least it's NOT 28!! Thank You Jesus!
There's been a lot of blood work and cultures done today, so maybe we will have some preliminary results tomorrow. Tracy's body has been thru soooo much, but he's still got some fight in him! Plus, I am fighting tooth and nail for him. Last night was one of those nights of fighting to get things done NOW and not six hours later!!! But, that's why I am here!! For better or for worst, in sickness and in health!!! 25 yrs of being married to this man and he's still worth the fight!!!! NEVER give up til the last breath has left this body!!! Jesus I'm still standing on Your Word!!!!! Psalms 118:17
Thank you to my brother Randy and wife Mary for sticking it out with me last night!!!
Thank you Matthew Holt for the cool lime refresher!!! I love you my 2nd son!!!
Update from Libbi at 9:06 a.m. on March 3:
Everything seems to be settled down now. Tracy's heart rate is still 88 to 92. At one point last night it reached 152. They did some more labs this morning. He's having a little blood in his secretions when they suction him. He's at 40% oxygen.
His ICP was 10.
JK got in this morning from the road so he is with Tracy in the room. I just came to motel to get some sleep for a few hours.
Will update later when I get back to the hospital!
Please keep praying!
Update from Libbi at 2:30 a.m. on March 3:
I am staying at the hospital tonight due to Tracy's vitals being high. He's had a temp of 101. Blood pressure & heart rate is elevated. Chest X-ray shows either bilateral pneumonia or congestive heart failure. They have been giving him lasiks to move fluid out of the body. ICP cranial pressure is between 13 & 18. I went home this evening for a little while and it was kinda depressing not having Tracy there. Had supper with our friends the Dillmans, my brother Randy & wife Mary and my niece Brittany. Nancy Dillman will have her first Chemo treatment Monday for breast cancer. Please pray for her!! After we ate supper, we came back to the hospital to everything being out of whack!! The nurse tonight has worked hard to get some of the levels down to normal. It's gonna be a long night!!! Please pray!!!
Update from Libbi at 2 a.m. on March 2:
Just got in from hospital. Today has been a rather quiet day. No big changes other than ICP cranial pressure has come down and rocked between 8 and 13 and even got down to 5 at one time. Normal is 0-5. The fluid draining out of the brain still has blood in it. Hoping this will start to clear in a day or so. All his vital signs and temp is staying in the normal range. We stayed out of the room as much as possible today to keep pressure from going up.
Loren Harris & wife Cindy Harris came from Elizabethton, TN tonight to see Tracy. We had a great visit and enjoyed seeing them!! Loren sang with us for 6 years and was like a brother to me. We love him and his sweet family!!!
Lord Jesus how thankful we are for another day of life and with Tracy!! Without You Lord, we would have no hope in this life!!! I love You Sweet Jesus!!!
Update from Libbi at 10 p.m. on Feb. 28:
Fixin' to leave the hospital going back to hotel for the night. Tracy's ICP cranial pressure is 10. That's a big improvement from 27 this morning! All his vital signs are good. Thank You Sweet Jesus!!! He's still in a coma. EVD is still draining good. I've stayed out of the room all day til tonight. Just been sitting in the chair watching him. Anointed and prayed over him a few minutes ago. I hate leaving him but there's nothing I can do while he's in a coma.
Thanks to the Kingsmen for stopping by this morning! Tracy's always called Ray Dean his Cuzin'! Also, to our great friends Mary Mary Lynn Spraggins and David. Enjoyed our time and supper!
At the end of the day all that matters in life is your relationship with Christ and your family!!! Hug them a little tighter and tell them you love them!!! Life can change in one second!!
Please keep praying!!!!
Update from Libbi at 3 p.m. on Feb. 28:
Just went back to check on Sweet T and his ICP cranial pressure has fell from 13 to 11 in the past 3 hrs!!!! Praise The Lord!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 12:10 p.m. on Feb. 28:
Just talked to Neuro Dr Darice and Tracy's ICP is 13!! Down from 27!!! Gonna increase the sodium IV treatment to try to absorb more fluid. She said he is very sensitive to any lights and sounds. But, they have him sedated as much as the blood pressure will allow.
Update from Libbi at 9:30 a.m.:
Tracy's ICP is 27. They are gonna keep room completely silent today and not stimulate him at all to see if this will help bring the ICP down. They have him on a 3% sodium drip. Everything else is about the same. I have not seen the neurologist yet, so I don't know what other plans they may have for him today.
Update from Libbi at 1 a.m. on Feb. 28:
Just got back to hotel from hospital. Not much change other than the cranial pressure going up and down. Finally this afternoon they gave him a high dose of sodium to try to help flush some of the fluid build up in the ventricles out thru the kidneys. That brought pressure down from 22 to 17. Praying it doesn't rise anymore. His heart rate to me was a wee bit up before I left, but I think it was close to med time.
I will post updates if anything changes. If I don't post then you know things are still the same. Again I can't say thank you enough to all you prayer warriors!!!! My heart swells thinking about the love you all have for my precious Sweet T!!!
Also, to all my family who have sacrificed and put their lives on hold to come and be with me during these long days!!! I love you all! Randy Perry, Mary Brown Perry, Debra Perry-Reed, Rachel Perry Trivette, Krisi Pilling, Brittany Johnson DeVault, Barrett Devault
And my Pastor Mark Grubb, Norman Holland, Carolyn Minick, Olan Witt and Tim Dillman
Lord, let's rise to a new day filled with Your love, grace and mercy! I love You!
Update from Libbi at 1:20 p.m. on Feb. 27:
CT scan shows no change. They have put him into a medically induced coma and will be for a week. Drainage cath is draining properly and where it's suppose to be. Ventricles are the same, no change in size. Fluid from drainage seems to be lighter. All his vitals are doing good. He's back on the ventilator. If anything changes, I will update.
Picture of pin (says Keep Calm and Trust God) is one I bought last night and pinned on my shirt that I was wearing today. God knew I needed this! He has a way of calming us!!
Update from Libbi at 8 a.m. on Feb. 27:
Just received a call from hospital and they are taking Tracy for a CT scan. His cranial pressure in the past couple hours has been 28. This is way high! This could mean several different things. I will update as soon as I get there and see what the CT scan shows.
****8:00am: At the hospital waiting for the Dr Ulm to come in and give me results of CT scan. God has put in my spirit this morning....when you've done all you know to do...........just stand!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:45 p.m. on Feb. 26:
Just left the hospital and came to the hotel to sleep. The night nurses are having to watch Tracy more closely and checking on him more frequently, so they have suggested for me to come to motel the past 4 nights to sleep. I felt guilty the first couple of nights, but I'm only two streets over from hospital and the nurses have promised to call me if anything changes.
Tracy rested well today. He's still sedated and probably will be for a few more days. His cranial pressure has come down from 15 to rocking between 7 & 10. A good pressure reading is 0-5. The EVD is still draining well pulling about 10 to 15 cc of fluid off the brain every hour. The fluid doesn't seem to have as much blood as this morning, but still more than what we want to see. Tracy's situation is still very, very critical! We are still asking for no visitors at this time. I have to protect him and make sure that he is getting the rest and quietness that his body and brain needs to heal from this 4th bleed. I myself will be spending more time in the waiting room than before. Just because I don't wont his pressure to go up if he can hear us in the room.
I am grateful for another day of life with my Sweet T! I am standing still waiting to see the mighty move of God's hands in this situation! I have to give thanks to God for entrusting us with this journey of the unknown for us. I don't understand it, but I don't have to, all I have to do is trust Him and His all sufficient Grace to sustain us during this time!
Thank You God for the good, the bad and the ugly!!!! I lift my hands and will praise You through the night!!!!! I love You Sweet Jesus!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 9:35 a.m. on Feb. 26:
Tracy did well through the night. His vital signs held their own. After breathing on his on last week and the weekend after yesterday's events was put back on the ventilator. He is under sedation again to let the body and brain rest and heal. The important thing right now is keeping the ICP (cranial pressure down.) So far it's been within reason. The drainage cath EVD is still draining about 20 to 25 cc per hour. The nurse said he responded some this morning with thumbs up, but they are trying not to stimulate the brain too much. So, once again I am asking that he receive no visitors at this time other than immediate family members.
I deeply appreciate all prayers love and concern!!! I wish I could respond to every email, messages and post, but at this time it's just not possible.
Please keep praying!!!! God has blessed us with a new day, new mercies and new miracles!!! I will try to update this evening or if anything changes.
We love each of you!!!!!
Go GOD Go!!!!
Update from Libbi at 8:06 p.m. on Feb. 25:
The new EVD drainage cath IS draining!!!!! It's already put out 22 cc of fluid!!!! Hallelujah Praise the Lamb of God!!!!!!!!!! To God be all the glory, praise and honor!!!!
Update from Libbi at 5:42 p.m. on Feb. 25:
A new drainage cath was inserted at 1pm and it did not drain anything at all. Neuro dr said blood must be so thick it's clogged the new cath. So, they are replacing it. This will be #5. With each replacement you have more risk. Will update as soon as we know something on the new one.
Update from Libbi at 12 p.m. on Feb. 25:
I know it's been a day or so since I've had an update, but it's been one of those situations of waiting to see what happens.
As I posted Saturday morning I woke up to the fluid from Tracy's EVD drain in the brain having a little blood in it after being clear for over a week. I wanted to vomit when I saw it! Because this would indicate another brain bleed. At 10 a.m. the drain stopped draining altogether!! This was even more concerning because the drain is what keeps the fluid and pressure off the brain. The neurologist was called in and a CT was done. The CT scan results showed no new bleed, but showed the EVD drainage cath had slid out a little. The blood they figured had came from incision. During this whole process of events Tracy was still awake and responsive. The neuro dr said they would watch him over night to see how he did and would decide later if the EVD would need to be replaced or not by how alert and responsive he continued to be. That evening I was trimming Tracy's nails back and noticed blood underneath two of his fingernails. Are you seeing the picture here? After seeing this we decided that he had messed with the incision area during the night.
After being monitored every hour for the past couple days the neuro dr has decided maybe everything is working the way it should be. So they removed the EVD this morning. Shortly after removing the drain all of Tracy's numbers started going crazy. They immediately did a CT scan, which show when they removed the cath it caused another bleed. They are trying to get his numbers stable. They will be replacing drainage cath here shortly. We will see what happens from there. Please pray!!!
Update from Libbi at 12 p.m. on Feb. 23:
Devil trying his best to still the joy of yesterday today. The drainage cath has stopped draining. This morning instead of fluid coming off brain being clear like it has had a little bit of blood in it. All his numbers look good is the strange thing. The neuro dr is on his way in to check him out.
Update from Libbi at 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 22:
What a great morning!!!!! Tracy has been very alert, very responsive in the past 72 hours!! This morning the nurses were able to get Tracy up and sit him in a special chair!!!!! This has been the first time in 32 days he's been able to sit up. His vital signs stayed great the whole time he was up!! You want to talk about a shoutin fit!! Praise God from whom all blessings and miracles flow!!!!!!!!!!! Go GOD GO!!!!!!!
I did take videos and pics, but I want to respect Tracy to not post them. I wouldn't won't him to post pics of me if I were in his shoes.
Keep the prayers going up!!!!! God is good!!!!!
Update from Christopher Reed (Libbi's brother-in-law) at 1 p.m. on Feb. 22:
Debra (Libbi's sister) just texted me, You are not gonna believe this but Tracy is sitting up in a chair!!!!!! I am telling you I just had me a spell!!!! Weeeeeeellllll. GLORY!!!!!!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 12:20 p.m. on Feb. 21:
I love when Tracy's nurse comes into the room and starts talking about how good God is!!!! Before we know it, we've had a little church up in here!!!! All that is left to do is take an offering! ☺
Amazing the Christian drs and nurses that God has placed in our lives during this journey here! Most all of them have been such a great support team for me. You know you do have a couple that it's just a job for them, but I've tried to shine the joy of The Lord to them. I've kept gospel music playing in the room softly, so that's an automatic give away to what we believe and opens the door to witness and testify!
Tracy did great through the night. Had done great this morning. The ICU floor Dr said he was impressed with his alertness and responsiveness! Whoop, whoop Praise The Lord!!! He's back on the trach collar today and doing great!! Thanks again for praying soooo hard yesterday with us!!!! I can never say Thank You enough! Please keep it up!!! We love you all!!!
Update from Libbi at 6:45 p.m. on Feb. 20:
Tracy's out and everything went great. He will be out of it most of the night. But surgeon seems to think this will be a step forward! We just have to pray no more infection!!! Thank you for praying!! Please don't stop!!!!!
Update from Libbi at 8:45 a.m. on Feb. 20:
Ok so this procedure of replacing drainage cath will not be done in his room as before today. Chris his nurse said this is gonna be a CT guided procedure. So they will be doing this where they do CT scans. I was hoping Dr Ulm was gonna be doing this procedure but instead it will be Dr Franklin who performed the first one. Will let y'all know more when they let me know something. Don't have a time yet.
Update from Libbi at 5:10 p.m. on Feb 19:
The neurologist will be replacing Tracy's EVD drainage cath sometime in the morning. This one will be coated with antibiotics and placed in the same path as the one in now. As I have stated before there are risks when reinserting the cath. Risks are: more infection and it could cause another brain bleed. I am not fond of having to sign the release papers for this procedure, but as I signed it a few moments ago I just had to place this in God's hands.
I know I have ask y'all to pray so much before, but I know it works! So I am asking you again to please pray that The doctor performing this procedure with trace God's hands. Pray there will be no infection and no bleed out! In Jesus' Name, amen!!!!
Update from Libbi at 12 a.m. on Feb. 19:
Well, we laid our little Sport to rest this evening. Gosh, it's amazing how our pets are like family members. I held his little body while he passed. JK couldn't watch. My niece Brittany Johnson DeVault was there with us. We had him for 13 years and the hard part about all of this is he was Tracy's little lap baby! Don't know how we will tell Tracy when we feel the time is right. The only time I have been leaving hospital has been in the evening to go to the motel to clean up, so it was weird being out. But, I did enjoy spending the evening with JK although the circumstances were bad.
Came back to the hospital after we ate supper. Tracy has had another good day. Stayed on trach collar 14 hrs today. We should know in the morning about the status of the bacterial infection and what the next move will be. Just pray tonight that there will NOT be any bacterial infection any where in the brain!
Thank you all for every single prayer!!!! I thank you a million times a million! I pray God blesses each one of you so much you can't contain it!! I love you all!!!
Romans 8:18
Update from Libbi at 10:45 a.m. on Feb. 17:
Everything is going good. Neuro Dr and infectious diease dr thinks the antibiotics are working to kill bacterial infection in brain. But, they think some of the bacteria is sticking to the drainage cath in the brain and antibiotics can't get thru that. So they are looking at replacing the drainage cath for the second time on Monday. With this you run the risk of more infection! This will have to be done before a permanent shunt can be put in. Then there's always the possibility that infection could be in the brain. But, we are not receiving that, because his temp is staying down and he's being more alert and awake daily. ******The Drs have come in just now and said they are gonna give it til Tuesday to see what happens. Before deciding on the cath replacement to see if the bacteria will be gone!
Tracy has tolerated the trach collar very well! First day on it for 12 hrs straight. Second day 9 hrs. Back on it today!
To God be the glory for all He had done and is gonna do!!!! We are still praising Him!!!
Update from Libbi at 9:15 a.m. on Feb. 16:
Tracy has had two great days! Dr. Ulm his neurologist said yesterday evening that the progress that Tracy has made in the past 24 almost 48 hrs has been miraculous!!! Well, GLORY!!!
Tracy did excellent on the trach collar yesterday! He stayed on from 7 to 7! They took it off at 7pm to let him rest thru the night. They put him back on at 7am this morning and is gonna try him til 10pm tonight. He had a great night resting! Temp has remained normal for 24 hrs!! He's staying awake and opening his eyes a lot more! He's smiling a lot. Our little friend Gracie came to see him yesterday and he lit up like a Christmas tree! He held her hand and smiled at her! She was kissing his hand and loving on him. I think that was good medicine for him!
Saints, I can't thank y'all enough for bombarding the throne room daily on Tracy's behalf!!!! Today is day 26 and we wouldn't be here if it weren't for all y'all's prayers, love and support!!!! Please don't let up!!! We love you all!!! Thank You Jesus for Your touch to Tracy's body!!! I thank You for this valley and journey that You have chosen for us. May we stay faithful and true to You!!! I love You!!!!
Update from Libbi at 9:10 a.m. on Feb. 15:
Get this, The infectious disease doctor Dr. Mark Carr is Tracy's primary care doctor, Dr. Wayne Rhear's first cousin!!! Is this a God thing or what? It's wild to see things unfold and to see God's hands all over them!!!
They have put Tracy on trach collar, trying that. So far so good.
Dr. Carr, said the early cultures today from spinal fluid off the brain is showing NO growth in bacterial infection! But will know for sure by Monday!! So, he should be able to have shunt put in to keep the fluids drained off the brain. Praise The Lord! Go God Go!!!!! Keep praying troops, God is giving His commands!!!!! Praise His Holy Name!!!!
Update from Libbi at 11:45 p.m. on Feb. 14:
This morning started out to be a rough one. I was not made aware of the neurologist raising the ICP scale for Tracy's brain drainage cath yesterday. I knew yesterday evening, last night and this morning he was unresponsive, but didn't know why. Until I expressed my concerns with his nurse this morning and she told me about the neuro dr trying to see how Tracy's brain would do by raising the ICP scale. Needless to say they had to move the scale back down where it was. Within a few minutes he was back to responding, opening his eyes and moving his left arm and leg. His blood pressure dropped to 97/67 which also alerted me something wasn't right. After all this, things turned around quickly which I really believe was God working!! Tracy however did great through the night being off the vent and on CPap! And he's still doing great!
He was very much alert this afternoon and tonight when friends came by to see him, by opening his eyes, giving thumbs up, or smiling. TaRanda Greene even got him to stick his tongue out at her!
Thanks to David McCray Dove, The Hoppers, the Dillmans, The Grubbs for coming by today and tonight. Night before last Gerald Wolfe, Rodney Griffin, Jonathan Allen Wilburn, Jordan Wilburn and Kyle Underwood came by. So many of Tracy's friends have went above and beyond by coming by, bringing snacks, drinks and just offering their help!! My family has been incredible to come and be with me every day. They have a schedule of when they are suppose to be here!! I love them for all their sacrifices to come and rally around me!!!! That's true family!!!!
Well, God gave me my miracle I ask for today!!! All I wanted for Valentines Day was for him to open his eyes and he did and then some!!!! God how merciful You are to me, when I don't even deserve it I love You!!!
Update from Libbi at 2:45 p.m. on Feb. 13:
They have turned off the ventilator for a while for Tracy's breathing. Trying him breathing on his own (CPap). He's been off since 10:30 am and so far so good!!!!!! His nurse today said he's never seen a patient pull the volume that Tracy is doing on his own. The nurse is so excited! another miracle!!! GO GOD GO!!!!!! Thank You Sweet Jesus!!!! Keep praying!!!
Update on Tracy Stuffle from Libbi at 12:30 a.m. on Feb. 13:
I know some of y'all are wondering what's up with no updates in the last 24 hours. I don't won't to inundate you with too many updates, especially when nothing has really changed.
We are in a holding pattern right now waiting to see how the bacterial infection around the drainage cath in brain is reacting to the two different kinds of antibiotics. The temperature started going up last night and has stayed around 100.7 to 101.
They were hoping to wean him off the breathing machine, but with the body fighting hard to fight off the infection, it's not allowing for that to happen just yet.
ICP fluid is looking really good. Almost totally clear!! Haven't heard when they will start clamping the tube to see if pressure will stay normal.
Tracy was actually awake last night for almost an hour and half! I talked a lot to him and he would respond with hand gestures or nodding head. I exercise his arms, legs, ankles, fingers and arms. I sing to him, play music for him and my last nightly thing is to anoint him and pray over him. Usually Randy, my brother will be on speaker phone and we pray together. And, usually there's one of my family members with me. Then I have my own prayer time on my knees in front of my recliner! This is our nightly routine. God's been sooo good!!! Even in the valley He IS good!!
Please keep praying!!!!
Update on Tracy Stuffle from Libbi at 10:05 p.m. on Feb. 10:
Been a great day! Tracy has opened his eyes about 7 or 8 times. He's smiled some. We've held hands a lot. He tries talking but, we can't hear him because of the trach.
We are still fighting and making progress! May not be the progress we would like to see but at least it's progress!
If tomorrow comes, we will rise up and fight again, one day at a time!!!
Please continue to pray the antibiotics will kill the bacterial infection in the brain around the catheter quick! Also, for ICP to be normal when they clamp it off so Tracy will not have to have surgery to insert permanent shunt.
Thank You Sweet Jesus for being true to Your Word!!! I love You!!!!
Specific Prayer Requests For Tracy Stuffle From Libbi as of 2/10/13 at 9:42 a.m.:
Dr. Ulm, Tracy's neurological Dr just came in to let me know that they have detected an early bacteria infection in the brain where the drainage cath is at. They started Tracy on a couple different antibiotics yesterday when they felt like this was the case. They are being very aggressive with treatment for this. A disease doctor will come in in the morning to make sure it's being treated with the right antibiotics. Prayer #1 is PRAY the antibiotics they have him on now will kill this bacteria. This is cause from the cath being in so long.
Prayer #2
Dr. Ulm is gonna start this week clamping off the drainage cath to see if the ICP (inter cranial pressure) will stay low or go up. If the pressure stays low where it should be, they can remove the cath. If not, this will require a permanent shunt in the brain going down and being wrapped around the stomach so the fluid can re-absorb back into the body. This will require surgery to do this. Please help me prayer that the ICP will stay low where it should so we don't have to go through this process.
Dr. Ulm said this bacteria infection could be what's causing him to not fully wake up.
This is where we are at at this time. Please help me pray!!!!
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