Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Keeping On - Perrys Concert Recap

Since I've started blogging, there are a handful of concerts I can count on every year. Some churches you know will have a particular group at the same time every year. One of those is the Perrys being at Oak Bowery around Conway toward the end of each summer. And this is a concert I look forward to every year. I love going to this church. Every concert I've ever been to at this church has had the sweetest spirit, you could feel God working in this church. This year was no exception.

Katy Peach filled in for Libbi that weekend. Tracy had some health issues at the last minute so both he and Libbi were back in Nashville. I had only seen Katy sing live once before almost 10 years ago. I knew she was a great vocalist, but I had forgotten just how good she was!

Here are some highlights of the night -
  • "Prior to a Prayer" - Troy took the first verse and Katy the second. Absolutely beautiful song and such a powerful moment! 
  • "He Will Hide Me" - This is probably my favorite Perrys song, so every time I get to hear it live, it will be a highlight!
  • "Privilege of Prayer" - Troy said that they really don't sing this one often. However, a writer of the song, Rachel McCutcheon, was in the audience, and Katy knew this one so they sang it. Troy talked about how much he loved this song and how it was one of his favorites that the Perrys recorded. 
  • "Keep On" - They sang this new one right before intermission. Love how they have the audience join in and sing the chorus with them.
  • "Holy Shore" - This is one of those songs I kinda forgot about to be honest. I don't hear them sing this one often, so I'm glad it was staged that night. Andrew was featured on the first verse and Katy on the second. 
They ended the service with the congregation standing and singing "What a Day That Will Be." It was an incredible night of worship.

With all they have been through in the past several years and even in the uncertainty they faced that night, they were able to testify about God's goodness and faithfulness. They are able to stand night after night and proclaim that God is with them through every step, past and whatever they walk through in the future. It was a good reminder that nothing in life takes God by surprise. God knew who exactly would be singing that night and who needed to be in the audience to hear.

Thanks, Perrys, for the ministry and the reminders of God's faithfulness. In the tough times, He never leaves, and we can keep on trusting Him. "Keep On, Be Brave, Hold Fast, Have Faith..."


  1. I used to love "TK and McRae," which of course included Troy and Katy Peach. It's pretty cool that you got to hear them "together" again, sort of. :)

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

    1. Whitney, I also loved TK and McRae! That was the first time I ever say Troy and Katy Peach. It was a great night!


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